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Kwaw Kesse calls for peace and issues statement of apology



Rapper, Kwaw Kesse has called for peace and apologized for the confusion that ensued at the “Nite With The Stars” . He made the call is the following press statement: I put out a well thought-out and very organized performance at the just ended 2012 Joy FM “Nite with the Stars” dubbed “Accra verses Tema” to suit the event in the spirit of creative and healthy ‘competition’ without any ill intention but it seems some part of my performance didn’t go down well with certain people. On my own behalf and on behalf of my record label Madtime Entertainment, I want to render an unqualified apology to all the fans of VIP, all my fans and anybody in Ghana and beyond, who was offended at the show for anything which didn’t go well on the night I want use the opportunity to tell VIP (Vision In Progress) that whatever I did on stage was a creative expression but may be taken out of context because I did not have any intention to disrespect or insult them in any way. I was just trying to add some excitement and fun to the show on stage. They are my brothers and will always remain my brothers. I appeal to them to forget about everything that has happened let’s put everything behind us and move on as brothers, as proud Ghanaian musicians and African entertainers. We are all working very hard to put the flag of Ghana high on the international front so let’s keep that ‘Vision In Progress’ and put all negativity behind us. I also urge my brothers VIP to calm all their fans across the country to down and let them know this was just a show and nothing personal. We are all one people we will always need each other. I call for Peace and calm for anybody who has been offended or hurt in one way or the other. Kwaw Kesse and Madtime Entertainment condemn the use of any form violence for any reason. We believe in Peace and resorting to dialogue as the best means of dealing with issues of such sensitive nature. I thank Sarkodie, R2Bees and others artistes, my management and all my fans for standing behind in all this and I assure them that the BEAUTIFUL MADNESS still continues and I will always do my best to remain creative and unpredictable both on stage and in my music. I wish all Ghanaians a very PEACEFUL election.]]>
