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Mac-Jordan Degadjor picks award for African Outstanding Service to Humanity



Aspire Awards-horzBlogger and IT enthusiast, Mac-Jordan Degadjor has picked up an award for his activities over the years.  He wrote on Facebook: “Today, I was awarded at an African Business Star Quality event “For African Outstanding Service to Humanity”! The ward is in recognition of my unique, technology-driven and track record of outstanding contribution to mobile technology advancement in Ghana and Africa. I dedicate this award first to God Almighty, to my Grand-mother Madam Doris Degadjor, my brother Jehrome (receiving the award on my behalf), to my colleagues at BloggingGhana BarCamp Ghana FutureChallenges & Ghana Decides and to everyone who’ve supported and blieved in my ideas. This award is to you. We are the future of Africa! Thank you”]]>

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