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Malta Guinness Street Dance Season 5 reaches elimination stage!



After weeks of strenuous auditioning around the country, celebrity judges, Reggie Rockstone, Bee Arthur and KOD of Malta Guinness Street Dance Season 5, ended the zonal finals in Accra over the weekend. The Accra Zonal finals which came off at the GH-One studio in Accra on Saturday August 11, attracted quiet a number of MGSD fans who gathered to support their favourite group and to enjoy some good quality dancing from the participants. Each of the 9 groups on the day was given one chance to impress the Judges with their well choreographed dance skills. The Judges were looking out for good coordination, innovation and exceptional dance skills among others while the audience gathered was looking out for sheer excitement. At the end of the day, 5 groups made it through to the elimination stage. They are Revolution, Rockerz, 2 Black 2 Strong, 4Bent and One Spirit. They join the five groups who made it from the Ashanti Regional zonal finals Heroes, Bradez Dance Crew, Cash Liners and Lil Flippers to the next stage. The 10 finalist will as of next week engage in three weeks of intensive competitions among themselves. This stage will be more competitive and the Judges will not cut anyone some slake during the eliminations, only the best group will represent Ghana. This year’s Malta Guinness Street Dance winner will take home a cool 15,000 GHC and a unique opportunity to participation in the World Dance Championship in Germany. The MGSD is organised by Malta Guinness with the aim of providing a platform for young, energetic and talented guys and girls to showcase their exciting dance skills. The competition selects the best dancers and takes them through weeks of training and grooming to assist them become even better dancers and effectively build a lucrative career in dance. The series is currently airing on the following Television stations; Metro TV and Multi TV at 3PM and on GH-One entertainment TV on Saturday at 3PM. Keep the date and enjoy some adrenalin pumped fun from the comfort of your home.    ]]>

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