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New World Best Way to Level Engineering Skill



If you want to live longer in Amazon’s New World gameplay, you must grasp three major skills and abilities to progress your character, including trade skills, core stats and weapon mastery. The trade skills are divided into three parts, such as Gathering Skills, Refining Skills and Crafting Skills. The Engineering is a Crafting Trade Skill, when you level up this skill and you will get more recipes and more powerful versions of them. So, what are the best and fastest ways to level up your Engineering Skill in New World?


What can we do with New World Engineering Skill?

When a player has learned an Engineering Skill, he or she is allowed to use this skill to create ranged weapons, including bows and muskets. And what’s more, to make full use of ranged weapons, you are allowed to use this skill to create ammunition. Higher levels of engineering allow players to build better and more powerful weapons, as well as improve their equipment scores.



Benefits of Leveling up Engineering

As we mentioned above, Engineering can be used to create Weapons and Ammunition and these two items are best-selling items in New World for they are the most basic requirements in this game! If you are a senior engineer who can build high quality weapons and ammunitions, you must be popular among the market! So, to level up your engineering skill and craft high quality items will help players to earn more New World Gold via selling these items on the market!



When you craft an item using Azoth, you increase your chances of gaining privileges. You can also make some quality melee weapons, such as swords and hammers and then sell them to small settlements such as town projects.


How to Level Up fast Engineering Skill?

If you want to level up engineering skill fast, the most effective way is to make as many iron cartridges and arrows as possible. And to make cartridges and arrows, you must equip enough resources with iron ore, wood for timber and charcoal, saltpeter for gunpowder, and feathers for arrows. Along mining these resources, your Mining skill can be also upgraded.



Just find a spot with iron veins, where can help you can mine easily! And then start your work! After your iron ore are full of inventory, and then you can reach to a settlement. And to get iron ingots, you need to smelt everything together! After that, go to the Workshop crafting station to craft cartridges or arrows. The cartridge requires additional steps to make, but it helps to improve your engineering level faster.


You need saltpeter, which is usually found in mines and used to make gunpowder. Feathers, on the other hand, are easier to obtain because turkeys are ubiquitous. Kill them and skin them for their feathers, then cut down the wood and turn it into wood to make iron arrows.



This method will cost you a lot of time, but mass-producing cartridges and arrows seems to be the best way for New World Engineering to reach level 50 so far.


If you want to make money in New World, leveling up Engineering Skill is one of the important way! On the other hand, you can also choose to purchase NW Gold at Here, you can find cheap New World Coins for Sale, cheaper than others, ultra fast delivery in 10 minutes, huge stock to ensure you can get your products quickly, and friendly live support will help you to solve problems!

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