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NIIT OpenLabs Ghana makes donation to Save Them Young Mission



Christmas is a celebration that reminds us the unconditional love our Lord and master savior Jesus showed to humanity. As such, many people would like to exhibit their love and compassion to the people around them about this time. Most Ghanaians usually makes plans for the festivities several months ahead of the time, but often than not, we all tend to forget about the less privileged ones most especially orphans.

Orphans are forgotten in most parts of our daily lives, how they feed, how they get clothed, how they are brought up and what kind of future is being created for them. For such neglect from society, they tend to feel unwanted by the society, ending up in them growing up bitter and resort into many social vices so they can unleash their anger on the society.

The act of showing some love and affection to the less privileged especially orphans will go a long way to mitigate this bitterness and make them feel loved by the society. For this cause ‘NIIT OpenLabs Ghana’ Tema Branch is donating assorted products to these loved ones at Save Them Young Mission as part of our corporate social responsibilities and also spend the day with them and have fun. The institution sees the gesture as a way of supporting and making them know they have a place in their hearts and reassure them that the society has not neglected them.

By: Mr. Addo Moses

Faculty Member-Networking Engineer

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