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Over 20 of top UK universities arrives in Ghana this weekend for Study UK Exhibition



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Over 20 of UK’s top Universities to participate in this February’s Study UK Exhibition are set to arrive in Ghana this weekend.

This year, British Council Ghana has invited over 20 of the top UK institutions to Ghana to provide opportunities to individuals who want to study in the UK for their bachelor’s, master’s and PhD programmes,

The fairs will showcase the excellence of UK education and inform Ghanaians about the advantages of studying in the UK.

The target group includes young persons between the ages of 15 and 40, graduates/undergraduates of universities, polytechnics, international school students, young professionals or workers in the public and private sectors seeking career development, and relevant key decision makers within government, and the private sector. Others include career counsellors, parents, lecturers seeking PhD opportunities workers looking for distance learning programmes and the general public.


Aside showcasing the excellence of UK education, the exhibitions have always provided a platform for students to meet and interact with UK university representatives, receive expert advice on various courses and scholarships, and has created the opportunity for parents/counsellors/workers/students to better appreciate and understand the relevance of a UK Education.

This year’s fair will be held on 4 February in Kumasi at The Great Hall, KNUST. The fair in Accra will be held at the British Council office from 6-7 February between 10am and 5pm.

The Study UK Fair creates a platform for individuals to learn more about how to apply for UK Student Visas, as well as gain more information on the newly introduced two (2) year post-study work visa.

Interested persons should register for the exhibition using this link:


You can visit the British Council Ghana website or Facebook page for more information!

See you there!!!



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