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Qualities To Look For When Hiring a Personal Stylist



From award shows to product launches and all manner of events, fashion always takes center stage. We applaud and criticize outfits in equal measure. It is surprising that fashion watching at events has not formally been turned into a sport.

If you grace such high-brow events often, getting your outfit right is a matter of utmost importance. One way to ensure that you look fab at all times is by hiring the right personal stylist. If for no other reason, it will save you from the wrath of fashion critics.

So, to help you make the right pick, here are some of the qualities of a great stylist.

Knowledgeable on Trends

Fashion trends are ever-changing but they are necessary. Without them, clothing and shoe designs would be boring and monotonous.


A good stylist knows what’s hot and what’s not. While you may not wish to hop onto every current fashion trend, it would be a nice touch to avoid outdated styles. Alternatively, they could help you interpret new trends in a way that you feel is more your style. 

Understands Event Etiquette 

Unless upon request, it is generally considered a faux pas to show up to a wedding dressed in a white outfit. It comes off as though you are trying to upstage the bride. On the other hand, you would also be remiss to attend a funeral dressed in loud festive colors. It is not in keeping with mourning etiquette in most cultures.

The list of dress code etiquette is long and it changes between events and even cultures. These rules are not cast in stone but they bear some reasonable significance. There is a thin line between pushing the boundaries to be fashionable and sticking out like a sore thumb at events by not observing etiquette. Your stylist should understand this and suggest designs that fit the occasion’s etiquette.

Financial Prudence 

Michelle Obama has been recognized over and again as a fashion icon in her own right. Yet, some of her trendiest looks were bought from budget retailers such as J. Crew and H&M. The lesson here is you do not always have to spend thousands to dress well. Moreover, just because an outfit is expensive does not necessarily mean that you will look good in it.



Knowing where to get a good bargain in clothes, shoes, and accessories would be a plus in a stylist. It will help you save money which you can spend on statement pieces or ensembles for major events. After all, there are days when you need a Birkin and others when a fanny pack will do just fine.

Understands Client Management 

One of the problems that most clients face with stylists is a conflict of ideas. Creatives are often eccentric and see things in unique ways from everyone else. This is sometimes a strength in the fashion industry but other times it could work against you.

You are more likely to pull off a look confidently if it suits your taste. Heels that are too high, the wrong shade of lipstick, or a scent that you find cloying will have you feeling out of sorts. If your stylist does not accommodate such preferences, their services will be of little benefit to you.


There is also the question of suitability. Your body shape and height fare well in certain designs more than others. For instance, if you have an apple body shape, A-line dresses might accentuate your figure better. It would behoove you to work with someone who gets such subtle but important details right.

Industry Networks

A large part of the job description of a stylist is sourcing for various items. It could be shoes to match an outfit or private label shampoos to get your hair ready for an event. Fortunately, those are relatively simple to obtain.

However, when it comes to exclusive designs and unique clothing items, they take time and require the right connections to find. If you are hoping to be dressed in top-of-the-line pieces, go for someone who knows their way around the sector.  

Organization Skills



If you are a public figure, your schedule can be complex and demanding. Between your career and social events, you may not even have time to shop. This makes you more dependent on your stylist as opposed to someone who only needs one for special occasions.

That said, not just any stylist will do. You will need someone that can keep up with your schedule and anticipate your needs. To this end, look for someone with a good eye for fashion but who is also keen on planning.


As the name suggests, a professional personal stylist is entrusted with confidential affairs. They will have access to you, your schedule, and many other personal details in your life. They must be someone that you can trust without reservation. 

Look out for other kinds of professional traits as well such as punctuality, courtesy, and commitment to their work. Where possible have an employment contract in place outlining both of your expectations in the business relationship.



Your image speaks for you long before you utter a single word and influences how people perceive you. It may also be the determining factor on whether you land jobs and what kind of jobs you get. Therefore, investing in a stylist is an investment in yourself. You never know what opportunities could come your way when you’re at the right place in the right gown or tux.

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