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The Dos and Don’ts of Wearing Hoop Earrings



Earrings, and all jewelry, really, can reveal a bit about the inner workings of its wearer. Hoop earrings, in particular, have centuries of history and culture behind them, a legacy that you’ll inevitably feel when wearing your favorite hoops. Like anything of historical or cultural significance, though, your silver or gold hoop earrings come with some guidelines. Of course, there are no hard-and-fast rules about what you can and cannot wear or how you must go about accessorizing. Still, these are some good concepts to keep in mind when you reach for your go-to hoops or decide to buy a brand-new pair.

Do wear what makes you feel good. 

First and foremost, it’s crucial that your hoops—or any other sort of jewelry, for that matter—make you feel as good as you look whenever you wear them. Choose a pair of earrings representing the person you are or the version of you that you hope to be someday. When you feel good about your silver or gold jewelry choice, you’ll instantly seem more confident and self-assured. 

Don’t try to be someone you’re not.

No matter how much you adore your gold or silver hoops, you have to remember that they’re also a vital part of contemporary Latinx culture and must be treated as such. So don’t fall into the trap of feeling ”ghetto” because you’ve got a pair of large hoop earrings. Instead, look into the history and significance of hoops and wear them with a genuine appreciation for all the meaning that comes with those loops of gold or sterling silver. 

Do experiment with unique styles. 

As lovely as standard gold or sterling silver hoop earrings are, there’s plenty of opportunities to try less conventional styles, too. Seek out those silver hoop earrings accentuated by multicolored gemstones or turn to thin gold hoops made with opulent filigree. Whatever the case, your most beautiful hoops will highlight a beautiful take on classic silver or gold hoops. 


Don’t overdo your accessories. 

This isn’t true for hoops alone, but it’s important to wear your jewelry sparingly, especially where statement pieces are concerned. Too many bold pieces can take away from each of them, degrading the personality of each hoop, necklace, or bangle. For example, a bold hoop earring might complement a more subtle string of pearls or a dainty piece of sterling silver jewelry. With too many pieces competing for others’ attention, you’ll lose out on all of the above. 

Do embrace your favorite fashions. 

When you choose a new hoop earring, you must consider your personal taste, too. For example, if you’re a fan of small hoop earrings adorned with pearls, wear them confidently. On the other hand, do you prefer thin gold hoops and a strand of gemstones at your neck? Then showcase those stones with a smile! Whatever style you lean toward, you must embrace that—it doesn’t have to be what’s currently trendy. It just needs to be what appeals to you. 

Don’t try to chase trends. 

With that in mind, you must remember that trends come and go. If you run to one after the next, you’ll struggle to find the selections that genuinely speak to you—and you’ll pay a high price for a lot of pieces you might not even like. 

The legacy of a hoop earring is far-reaching and incredibly varied, yet it’s a style that’s undoubtedly a classic still today. However, there’s not just a straightforward style. To make the most of your go-to hoops, you must consider your personal preferences, cultural significance, and what makes you happy. This doesn’t mean you must stick to some ill-defined fashion rules; instead, you have to find what works for you and embrace it with genuine appreciation. 



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