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Tips for Maintaining a Cut Throat Razor



Have you recently thought about investing in a cut throat razor? More men want to look after themselves and are willing to spend more money on grooming tools. Indeed, a cut throat razor is able to give you the barber shop treatment at home. It is a luxurious way to enjoy a close and clean shave, allowing you always to look your best.

But, something you need to know about is how to maintain your cut throat razor. After all, a quality kit is going to be expensive. When you maintain this tool, it can last for many years, as well as deliver a better shave. Here are some tips that are going to help you do this.

Clean Regularly

With cartridge razors, you are simply going to throw away the blades. This means that there is not a lot of maintenance you have to do. But, there is going to be some work involved when it comes to a cut throat razor. Most men agree that this is worth it in order to enjoy a better shave, as well as save money in the long run.


One thing you will have to do is clear the razor on a regular basis. Ideally, you want to do this after every shave, as this is going to make your life easier. All you have to do is rinse the razor after every use with warm water. This will help to remove any dirt or hair that is stuck to the blade. Then, you want to dry the blade before storing away. Just make sure that you are careful, as the blade is sharp.

Store Safely

Do not forget that it is important to store your cut throat razor away safely. Not only is this to prevent accidents, but it is also to help maintain the blade. For example, Cut Throat Club offers exclusive quality steel razors. They will last for many years when they are properly stored. This means having them away from moisture and anywhere they might be exposed to water over a long period of time. This is going to prevent rust and corrosion.

For example, a simple way to store a cut throat razor is to use a towel. This is going to keep away moisture and create a barrier. Alternatively, you can use a box that you have in the house. There are leather pouches that can be used too. Just make sure that the razor is dry before you put it in there.


Hone the Blade

The reason why you can enjoy such a good shave with a cut throat razor is that the blade is sharp. After a number of uses, the blade will start to get blunt. Before you panic, this is not a disaster. Instead, it just means that you have to hone the blade. This process is what is going to keep it sharp.

So, what is the honing process? Well, first of all, you are going to need a honing stone. This is a tool that you will have to get used to using. You should make sure that the honing stone is wet to begin with. Then, it is going to be a process of drawing the blade on the stone. You will start to learn when you are finished sharpening the blade. The way to test it is to try shaving. Of course, if you enjoy a clean shave and there is no dragging of the skin, you know that you have sharpened the blade well.

Use A Strop


Something else you are going to have to do to maintain your cut throat razor is to use a strop. This should be done before you use the razor, as it will also help to achieve a clean and smooth shave. In particular, this is a process that is good for aligning the blade and making sure it is straight.

When you are stropping the leather, you will have to do this gently and slowly. Many people make the mistake of rushing the process and this can affect the blade. You will use a fabric side to remove any dirt or debris, as well as use the leather to align the blade. You can also use a stropping paste. This is applied onto the leather and it helps to maintain the strop. Making an effort now will ensure you can use all of your tools for years to come and allow you to enjoy your money’s worth.

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