People & Lifestyle

Traction alopecia and hair implants



Traction alopecia can happen when there is too much pulling on the hair as often happens in people who wear tight ponytails.  Braiding the hair and wearing pigtails can also lead to this problem if the hair is treated roughly. It is the stress and force of pulling on the hair that causes the follicles to break. Over time this strain on the hair follicles can lead to hair loss.

The hairline of the person may also recede because of this pulling action on the hair. There can also be some loss of hair on the sides of the head. The condition can also be caused sometimes by wearing hair extensions which pull on the natural hair follicles. Even having very long hair can cause a problem because the increased weight of the hair places pressure on the roots.

In general, men and women can avoid traction alopecia by being careful how they wear their hair. In addition, people should avoid using chemicals and dyes that can have a damaging effect and aggravate the stress on the hair caused by the hairstyle.

Hair implants- a potential solution?

There are options for people who have lost hair due to traction alopecia. The medication minoxidil may be helpful for some people in trying to grow hair again. In other cases, hair transplant surgery may be needed.


If hair does not grow back after a couple of months then it really would be a good idea to consult with a hair loss specialist and find out about hair implant options that are offered at such places as the Vera Clinic in Turkey.

Doctors may recommend the FUE technique of hair implants if you have lost hair due to traction alopecia. Of course, each person’s situation is unique which is why it is so important to consult with a specialist who can evaluate your case to see if the FUE is appropriate for you. The FUE can be used for implants to replace hair lost from other causes as well.

In some cases of traction alopecia there may be a lot of scalp irritation and even sores or blisters that have developed which need to be treated first before surgical replacement of hair can be done. This is important because you do not want to risk infection and the FUE does involve cuts being made into the scalp. Although they are only small incisions you still are better off only having work done after any scalp issues have been fixed.

Hair implants are often a good option for many types of alopecia but you do need to be relatively healthy in order to have the procedure done so that there is less chance of complications happening.

A physician at a clinic will be able to help assess your state of health to ensure that this is the best option for you. In the meantime, you need to be careful about how you wear your hair and be gentle with the follicles.





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