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Tricks to learn Greek language



Below are some tips for Greek Language Learning. If you want learn Greek language then you can follow the below tips

  1. You have to be clear why you are doing it

It may seem obvious, but if you don’t have a good reason to learn Greek language, it is very likely that, in the long run, you will run out of motivation. Whatever your motivation, when a kid decide to learn a new language, the really important thing is to commit yourself to the maximum:

“I want to learn this, and that’s why I’m going to do everything I can in this language, with this language and for this language!”

  1. Keep it relevant

If you’re main objective is to have a conversation, it is more unlikely that you will get lost in textbooks and manuals. Talking with people will make the learning process still relevant to you. You are not going to talk to yourself alone. The creative part of the matter is being able to put the language you are learning in a more general and useful daily arrangement. But you don’t need to go abroad; you can go to the Greek restaurant at the end of the street and try to order the food in Greek. ”

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    1. Have fun

When embarking on the adventure of learning the Greek language as a beginner, infusing fun into your journey is key. Let your imagination roam and explore creative ways to incorporate Greek into your daily life. If you find that practicing isn’t as enjoyable as it could be, take it as a sign to reassess your approach and discover engaging methods to make your language learning experience both entertaining and effective.

  1. Come out of your comfort zone

Panic! Right? No matter how much you study, you will never speak a language if you don’t put yourself in that situation: talk to foreigners in their language, ask for directions, ask for food, and try to make jokes. The more times you do it, the faster you will leave your comfort zone and the greater the ease with which you will face new situations.

Maybe its pronunciation or grammar, maybe its syntax or you don’t understand certain expressions; but the most important thing is to try to develop that “sense of language”. Every native speaker has a sense of their language, and that is basically what makes you a “native speaker” if you can make that language yours. ”

  1. Talk to yourself

If you have no one to talk to in the language you are learning, there is nothing wrong with talking to yourself. “It may seem that you are crazy, but in reality, speaking with yourself in a language is a good way to practice if you have no one else to do it with.” This can help you keep new vocabulary or new phrases quite fresh in your mind, so you will feel more confident when you have to use them with another person.

  1. Repeat the word:


Repeat the same word many times until you learn it well. Try using it when you speak until its meaning is assimilated.

  1. Learning by writing:

Write some sentences with the new words you learn to remember them better. The next time you try to remember a specific word; it will be easier for you to find the sentence in which you included it.

  1. Greek subtitles:

Watch Greek movies with Greek subtitles, or watch movies in your native language with Greek subtitles. Your eye will constantly select the Greek words, so you can detect words you already know or listen to the new ones you want to learn. If you want that you kid will be expert in Greek language then tries to use Greek words in your daily use language.

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