People & Lifestyle

What’s In Store From The World Of Wellness



The business of wellness generates $4.5 trillion annually. During the recent pandemic, most wellness markets fell flat. COVID disrupted the daily routine of millions of people, erasing commutes and sleeping patterns. During the epidemic, homes became home offices, gyms, yoga studios, and classrooms. Date nights became couch time and happy hours turned virtual.


Health and wellness are not necessarily in sync. Yet, we can’t ignore the fact that specific goods and services are often a stepping stone to a certain quality of life. And as more consumers move toward a healthier lifestyle, the world of wellness is also moving towards sustainability. Fortunately, there are several ways to make sustainability work in the world of wellness.


Well-being theories focus on the individual, but the connection between them is complex. The concept of sustainability embodies the plural and systemic, as well as the intersection between health and environment. We must consider our social and ecological contexts to find sustainable solutions that enhance human health. A good option for this matter is having your own supply of natural compounds for wellness and health. As far as the environment is concerned, you can buy a marijuana seed online and grow at the comfort of your home.



Ultimately, we must integrate the concept of sustainability into our worldview. This is where it gets more interesting. Sustainability in the world of wellness is an ongoing dialogue.

Smart clothing

A smart shirt can capture body metrics like blood pressure, heart rate, and breathing rate. A company called Hexoskin first developed the idea of wearing smart shirts to collect such data. The company initially planned to develop sensors to use in artificial intelligence applications, as well as for chronic disease monitoring and aging. But, it has quickly become clear that people are already using smart shirts to help them manage their health and well-being.

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While smart clothing has been a topic for a few years, this technology has only recently been taken seriously. Brands like Samsung, Google, and Under Armor are trying to sell it to consumers as wearable health and wellness gear. They have found ways to incorporate the technology into the clothing, such as using a smart watch to measure the wearer’s heart rate, determining how vigorous a workout is, and even providing a workout quality score. While smart clothing has great potential, many practical challenges still remain.

Smart food

The health and wellness industry is growing steadily, with sales of health-aligned products surpassing the overall industry topline in several markets. Subscription services, in particular, are aligned with wellness trends, with subscription service sales increasing 50% year-over-year. Moreover, a growing number of U.S. consumers are putting their health first. In addition, the global coronavirus pandemic has altered consumer priorities and behaviors.



Altruistic health and wellness will continue to gain traction, with many consumers seeking products with clean and sustainable ingredients. Conscious consumers have dual expectations from the products they use – they need to meet altruistic goals and provide traditional product benefits. In addition, environmental issues are at the forefront of consumers’ minds, with the health of the planet as a top priority. With these trends in mind, it is easy to see why Whole Foods Market and Lifesum have identified wellness and altruistic products as a major trend for the next few years.

Virtual fitness classes

In the past, fitness businesses may have avoided investing in virtual classes because they thought it would cannibalize their attendance. But with the recent resurgence of video workouts, it might be worth investing in virtual offerings once again. According to a Mindbody survey, 50 percent of its users would go back to their old workout routines if given the choice. A further 40 percent would add video fitness to their current fitness routine, and more than half said that they plan to add them to their routines in the future.


In addition to virtual classes, other types of wellness-related online offerings have been making an impact on the fitness industry. COVID-19, for example, has changed the landscape, forcing many small, family-run fitness centers to pivot to the internet in order to survive. SWEAT, for example, is a fitness studio co-owned by Rodger and Lakiesha Williams, a husband and wife duo in California. The couple owns a brick-and-mortar facility and also employs two sons. In 2014, the SWEAT Fitness Center joined the WellnessLiving family, and today it offers virtual classes.

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Aspirational needs

While the socio-economic context of individual well-being is constantly changing, there is a common denominator: the need to maintain a healthy body. The consumer hierarchy of total health and wellness needs should be explored. As the health-oriented ecosystem continues to evolve, the priorities of preservation-focused, evolving, and protective needs will shift accordingly. As such, it is important to look for trends that cater to consumers’ aspirational needs.



For instance, the world of wellness is increasingly embracing a plant-based diet, with 61% of global consumers claiming to already purchase plant-based products or plan to do so in the next two years. This trend has become regionalized, with a greater prevalence of plant-based products in the UK, France, and the US. In this way, evolving needs and trends can be aligned with new developments in the wellness industry, based on innovative ingredients and societal shifts.


While the world of health and wellness has always been about better nutrition, personalization is proving to be a popular trend for consumers who want to make healthier food choices and reach their health and wellness goals. In fact, more than a third of consumers plan to increase their wellness-focused spending this year, especially on nutrition apps, diet plans, and subscription food services. Another trend consumers are adopting is personalization for better looks. This includes wellness-oriented apparel and skincare, collagen supplements, and aesthetic services such as nonsurgical facials.

Personalization is most effective when it is customized to the individual needs of employees, especially those with preexisting conditions or those at risk for certain illnesses. Participating health plans and health associations offer specialized resources to help employers tailor the wellness program for employees. These programs may include advice on nutrition and exercise, or they may involve developing cultural and emotional intelligence. Ultimately, personalization can benefit the health of your entire workforce.



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