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Trailer: PAUSE – A Jammal Ibrahim short film inspired coronavirus



The COVID19 pandemic has mandated a globally unprecedented PAUSE. With prevention being the best approach for nipping this deadly virus in the bud, terms such as ‘social distancing’, ‘self-isolation’, and ‘quarantine’ have left indelible mental marks. 

I arrived in Dakar, Senegal in March 2020, just before Nigeria closed her international borders. A trip which was meant to last only a few days but is still ongoing with no current foreseeable end date. Each passing day sees me hankering for feedback from the Nigerian Aviation sector.

In these 4 months, I have experienced a whirlwind of emotions. More often than not I have felt flustered, been jaded by the repetitive routines and these four walls that contain me. I was eager to do something different, yearning to create but I was lacking drive and enthusiasm. However, great minds have pointed out that sometimes conscientiousness and creativity requires prodding and this was what I was going to do.

I powered through and began writing the script for my first short film – PAUSE -, inspired greatly by the coronavirus that has brought the world to a halt. The story circumscribes man and his selfish ways in relation to nature and time. It was a process which culminated in mental liberation. I felt re-energized and embarked on the film production.


Whilst working with the Francophones, each day on set was a perpetual game of charades. The chaos of budgeting, auditioning and the whole selection criteria process reignited my passion. However, amidst all these familiar feelings was the key driving factor – the delivery of the message – my personal conviction of this pandemic abstractly delivered by reflecting man’s daily battle with nature.

As a people we are in a rat race, so frenetic, striving to attain a level of fruition. A multitude spinning on wheels like hamsters in a cage but never getting anywhere. At a time like this when there is a pause, what do you do with what you have left? What does it mean when the chase has to stop?

We have been forced to take a breather therefore I give you PAUSE. A gift from me to you.

PAUSE TRAILER from Jammal on Vimeo.



The prevalent selfish nature of man is showcased recurrently in many regards. However, time is that factor that constantly humbles man. Horology has proven the dominance of the concept of time over man. This pressure exerted by time forces man to expedite the self discovery process, thereby leading to a daily battle with nature. The foresight is lost in man’s selfish pursuit – losing the essence of the value and serenity of nature.

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