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3 Reasons to Visit Costa Rica



Magnificent tropical rainforests, volcanic views, trickling waterfalls, and paradise beaches. This is what you can expect from a whirlwind holiday to Costa Rica. The Central American country draws in hordes of tourists every year, and for good reason. It boasts wonderful weather, incredible sights, and a rich, diverse culture. Here are three reasons why it should be your next getaway destination of choice.

There are Plenty of Natural Wonders to See

Nature lovers with a taste for adventure are certain to enjoy every second of their time spent in Costa Rica. Some of the most notable natural wonders to add to your itinerary include the following:

  • Arenal volcano: you can go hiking along the slopes of this dormant volcano in the province of Alajuela and marvel at its steaming hot springs.
  • Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve: home to 90% virgin forest, the Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve consists of six separate ecological zones and acts as the perfect habitat for an estimated total of 100 mammals and 400 birds.
  • Corcovado National Park: Corcovado National Park is largest national park in all of Costa Rica and is located on the Osa Peninsula. It is best known for its rich biodiversity.
  • Poas volcano: another volcano in Costa Rica, you will find the majestic Poas volcano in Poas Volcano National Park. Its most recent eruption took place in 2017, which led to the National Park closing for a total of 17 months.
  • La Fortuna waterfall: This waterfall is simply stunning. It’s a cascade of approximately 70 meters at the bottom of the Chato volcano, which is currently dormant.

The great news is that most worthwhile Costa Rica vacation packages will include visits to these incredible sights, so there’s no need to worry about missing out.

There are Lots of Local Delicacies to Try


One of the many joys of travel is trying out delicious new cuisines. Luckily, Costa Rica won’t fail to deliver in the flavour department! The focus is on the use of fresh ingredients, hence the reason why Costa Rican cooking is often referred to as a ‘healthy’ and ‘mild’ cuisine. Local cooks will almost always include fresh, crisp fruits and vegetables in their creations. They are fortunate because plenty of delectable exotic fruit tends to grow within the indigenous tropical environment.

While you will be spoilt for choice when it comes to the menu, the two main local dishes to try include Gallo Pinto and Cascado. Gallo Pinto is traditionally a breakfast dish made with rice, beans, bell peppers, onion, and spices. Cascado is arguably the most classic Costa Rican meal. It’s not a dish per se, but rather a spread comprising of salad, tortillas, meat, and — once again — rice and beans.

The Warm and Welcoming Locals

Very few countries can boast friendly locals quite like those residing in Costa Rica. They will be all too willing to teach you about the intricacies of their culture and lifestyle. There is never any need to be afraid to strike up a chat while out and about in town.


So, go ahead and book those tickets! Costa Rica is awaiting your arrival.


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