People & Lifestyle
5 Habits Of Highly Successful YouTube Creators
Do you look at big YouTube creators and wonder how they achieved their success? We analyzed popular YouTuber’s and discovered that while a viral video or luck can play a part for some, success is usually the result of systems and processes that are followed habitually.
Here are 5 key habits of successful YouTube creators.
1. Create a Work Routine
Every successful YouTube creator must be able to manage their time in order to consistently post high-quality content systematically.
Many creators work independently and have to learn to manage a schedule and distractions, especially when you are brand new. Planning out a daily schedule from morning to night can help you stay on track to meet deadlines and goals. Try making a list of all your tasks for the day and execute them in an order that suits your personal style. You want to do your most important activities when you feel your best. If you work better at night, complete your smaller tasks in the day and focus on bigger projects at night.
You can also try time blocking and divide your day into blocks of time, where each block represents specific tasks. Since your work as a YouTuber involves so many different types of activities, one pro-tip we recommend is organizing similar activities together. For example, consider batching your content for the week so you do all of your creative tasks together, you can do the same for your analytical and more mundane administrative activities.
Repeatedly following this groove will help align your mindset for work quickly and easily.
2. Practice Self Care
Your job as a YouTube creator is hard work and it can take a toll on your wellbeing. Successful creators know they can’t create their regular standard of content if they aren’t in the right headspace. Many creators prefer to take time away from their phones every day. This gives them time to unwind from the internet and messages to focus on themselves and enjoy the present moment however they desire.
Practice self-care and give your body and mind what it needs every day. Find what makes you happy and relaxed outside of creating content. This can be a weekly spa treatment, daily meditations, or a morning walk. Self-care can also be painting, reading, and cooking. Taking time to invest in relaxing activities will pay off in every other aspect of your life and prevent burnout.
We also recommend scheduling in this time per tip number 1, because taking care of yourself is a priority for your business.
3. Start Your Day Off Right
The most successful creators on YouTube know the importance of mornings and getting ready to start the day. They eat a nutritious breakfast, enjoy coffee from their favorite cafe, meditate, or take a long shower. By indulging in an enjoyable morning, they start off on the right foot for a productive day.
Avoid waking up on the wrong side of the bed by being mindful of how you start your mornings. For example, if you feel the best after exercising, start your day off with a satisfying amount of exercise. Or if you don’t like to be rushed in the morning, wake up a little earlier to have a slower start to your day and enjoy your coffee without worrying about your to-do list. Finding a morning routine that works for you will transform your mindset and energize you to conquer the day.
4. Check Your Analytics Regularly
Growing a successful channel means knowing how your channel is performing. Popular creators know the ins and outs of their analytics to keep track of how every video, thumbnail, and title affects their metrics. By knowing their metrics, they know what their audience enjoys and wants more of. Successful creators also know which metrics affect each other so they can effectively focus on improving certain ones which will then flow into boosting other metrics.
Frequently check your analytics to learn where your channel is thriving and where improvement is needed. Even if you feel confident in a video, thumbnail, or title, your audience may not enjoy it as much as you expected. Your analytics provide the feedback you need to better your channel. If you feel overwhelmed by the number of metrics available to you, try focusing on a few important ones and working to improve those. This will show you which metrics intertwine with each other and boost each other.
5. Interact with Fans
A successful channel is nothing without its subscribers. The biggest stars on the YouTube platform regularly interact with their fans. This can be through replying to comments, planning meet-ups, and doing live streams. Despite their popularity, they still do their best to appreciate and relate to their fans.
Make a habit of interacting with your fans and learn which interactions your fans like the best. This can be a weekly live stream, responding to your favorite comments, and posting on your community tab. This will build a deeper connection between you and your audience leading to loyal subscribers who will root for your success.
Staying on top of your tasks and progress are essential to success. We encourage you to incorporate the points above into your work ethic as a YouTube creator and find the systems that work best for you.
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