People & Lifestyle
5 reasons to grab a copy of J.Y.Frimpong's ''A Book That Never Dies''
First of all, A book that never dies is a poetry book written by J.Y.Frimpong. This book is set to be released on the 28th of February, 2013 on and other online markets. This book is centered on the theme “living to die”, one of the 22 poems in the book. The book begins by discourses with Oliver, the lead role character together with his brother, Ramses and a ghost, Mariyah.
Ramses is considered as mad because he had been seeing the ghost images of Mariyah. Oliver, an elitist and also a controversial character that has anti-feminism views is the center stage of the whole book. Mariyah on the other hand wants to prove to Oliver that his brother, Ramses, isn’t mad because what he sees is more real than what Oliver thinks of him. How Mariyah is going to achieve this aim will only come to light after Oliver has finished reciting all the poems in ”a book that never dies”.
The poems in the book are; Mercy Christmas, The man for the people, Living to die I, Living to die II, When three women meet, Domino (I-X), Harmattan, I am at the end with you, Hard Times, The Victorious Vulture among others.
1. You need to have a copy of this book because we need to promote poetry in Ghana and by having a copy of this book, you will see how rich poetry and literature in general is. Poetry is Africa has been relegated to the background and ”A book that never dies” is going to resurrect literature in Ghana and the Africa country. It will also telecast to the world, the rich literature of Africa
2. Some if not all the poems in the book can have the propensity of having a positive impact on your life. Indeed, if you are going through difficult situation, you can’t read ”HARD TIMES” without getting motivated. Also ”A BOY WALKING ON FIRE” seeks to address how negligence of society have turned good children into bad youths.
3. This book also combines effectively photography with literature. Every poem in the book has been clearly been linked with a cover photo giving it an extra edge over all poetry books that have ever been published in Ghana. Also the concept of the theme song was great and has had a fantastic effect on the book at large.
4. In order to maintain standards, the book has gone through vigorous editing from professional and unlike other books in Ghana, this book took over 2 years to comply. So indeed, you will not read a book that has been rushed through. You will get a book that has been carefully crafted with professionalism that heart.
5. The book also combines drama, poetry and prose in a scintillating matter.It will therefore not be surprising if this book like this name never dies. Like how the old adage says ”good stuff sells itself”