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5 Tips for Managing Arthritis



Arthritis is a degenerative joint disease characterized by inflammation of the joints. There are different types of the disease, but their causes typically fall into two main categories. On the one hand, Osteoarthritis and Osteoporosis are caused by wear and tear of the joint cartilage and hormones. On the other hand, an autoimmune disease can also cause arthritis.


Conditions like Rheumatoid arthritis, Psoriatic arthritis, Gout, Lupus, Scleroderma, and Vasculitis are autoimmune diseases that occur when the immune system attacks healthy joint tissue. Being diagnosed with this condition can take a mental and physical toll on anyone. However, with these five tips, you can manage your condition and stay healthy.

1. Consider herbal supplements.



Several herbal supplements have been known to reduce joint pain, and you can use websites like Rolling Paper to find out what these are. Using natural supplements under the guidance of your doctor could help you manage arthritis. For instance, many people still use and vouch for the effectiveness of marijuana in arthritis pain management. In fact, a 2009 study published in the Journal of Opioid Management found that 65% of medical marijuana users in Canada said they use it for severe conditions. Many people also use CBD products nowadays, as these come in many different forms. For example, CBD muscle balm is especially helpful for those with arthritis as it sends the relief straight to the location of the pain itself.


However, note that many of these herbs and supplements aren’t monitored for quality, safety, and purity by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). So make sure you buy them from a reliable dispensary or source. In addition, if you choose to use marijuana or cannabis, remember that to read the packaging and discuss dosage and side effects with a medical professional first. Preferably, use a plastic joint tube with a child-resistant lid or pop top. You can search for “joint tubes wholesale” online to access this type of safe pre roll tube.

2. Talk to a doctor.

If you have joint pain or experience symptoms of rheumatologic conditions, it’s always best to get an accurate diagnosis immediately. You see, when dealing with connective tissue disorders, professional medical advice is key as it ensures that you receive timely treatment and get on a healthy regimen to help minimize the pain and symptoms and slow down the deterioration process.


Start by booking an appointment with a rheumatologist, a doctor whose specialty is rheumatology. If you don’t have any rheumatologist in mind, type “top rheumatologist near me” in your search box to get a list of qualified rheumatologists around you.



On your first visit, the rheumatologist will carry out a physical exam to search for swollen joints or nodules that may indicate inflammation. Also, you may be expected to go through lab tests like blood work and X-rays to enable your rheumatologist to arrive at a more concise diagnosis and recommend the best treatment for your condition.

3. Take the correct medications.



Medications differ depending on the type of arthritis and a host of other factors like age, existing medical conditions, and the disease’s activity level. Therefore, each patient’s treatment differs, but in the end, the goal is to relieve you of the symptoms and improve your joint’s functionality.



These medications typically fall into the categories of Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs), Biologics, Disease-modifying Anti-Rheumatic drugs (DMARDs), and Janus Kinase (JAK) inhibitors. Admittedly, the financial implications of being placed on these drugs can be significant.


As someone with a degenerative disease, you’ll most likely have to continue with your prescription for a long time. To ease your medical expense, consider using a discount card from USArx to purchase your prescription medications. Additionally, the USA Rx search tool allows you to view a wide assortment of discounts on drug prices.

4. Learn self-management skills.

As already mentioned, a diagnosis of arthritis can be overwhelming as it often requires you to deal with a lot of new information. There’s the fear and worry about how this disease will affect your future, leading to a mental health crisis. To cope with these fears, you can join a self-management education workshop to learn self-management skills.



Self-management skills refer to learning how to manage the emotional and physical effects of the disease. These skills include staying organized by keeping track of symptoms, pain levels, and medication side effects. It also involves finding ways to cope with the new emotions that this degenerative disease often causes. Some people turn to strategies like relaxation therapy, acupuncture, yoga, and cognitive behavioral therapy to help them feel more in control of their health and manage stress.

5. Do light exercises and maintain a healthy weight.



Another way to manage the disease is by maintaining a healthy weight. You may not know this, but losing a few pounds can significantly improve your joint health by removing pressure from your joints, consequently reducing the swellings and associated with the disease. You can maintain a healthy weight by staying active and sticking to a healthy but realistic diet. Admittedly, if you’re not used to maintaining a healthy lifestyle, this can seem stressful. However, the trick is to start small and not push yourself too hard.

Regarding your diet, don’t try to focus on eliminating certain foods, Instead, channel your energy towards monitoring what you eat. For instance, you can start by taking daily walks, opting for the staircase instead of the lift, and registering for water aerobics classes. You can opt for the Mediterranean-style diet, which is considered the world’s healthiest diet.

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