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Grammar Errors To Avoid When Applying For A Job

Statistics show that for every job that is advertised, there are on average an estimated 300 applications submitted. This competition puts the pressure on every job applicant to provide the perfect cover letter, CV, and personal statement. If there is even one thing wrong in the hundreds of words you write, the chances are your […]



Statistics show that for every job that is advertised, there are on average an estimated 300 applications submitted. This competition puts the pressure on every job applicant to provide the perfect cover letter, CV, and personal statement. If there is even one thing wrong in the hundreds of words you write, the chances are your request for an interview will get tossed.

Grammar Errors To Avoid When Applying For A Job
Grammar Errors To Avoid When Applying For A Job

Here are some of the most commonly made grammar and punctuation errors people make on their job applications, cover letters, and personal statements.

Lack of Parallel Structure

Lack of parallel structure is also described as faulty parallelism. It sounds complicated but is actually quite easy to avoid when writing. It occurs when two or more parts of the sentence you are writing are similar in meaning but not grammatically similar in form (or parallel). It is most often found when items are in a series or a paired construction.


Incorrect: I want to learn more about careers in engineering, programming, and research scientist. 

Correct: I want to learn more about careers in engineering, programming, and research science.

Second Example:


Incorrect: My key directives are:

  • Meet daily sales quotas
  • Reporting to duty every day
  • Aggressive sales and marketing

Correct: My key directives are:

  • Meet daily sales goals
  • Report to duty every day
  • Practice aggressive sales and marketing

Sprawling Sentences

It can be challenging to follow a sentence when it is long and carries too much information. Try to edit sentences down and avoid weighted phrases.


Incorrect: I wanted to follow my heart and become a full-time writer, but this turned out to be an impractical way to pursue my goals, so I decided on journalism instead.

Correct: I wanted to follow my heart and become a full-time writer. However, this turned out to be an impractical way to pursue my goals. I decided on journalism instead. 


Don’t worry if the thought of writing the perfect cover letter, or any other documentation needed for a job application, seems too complicated. You can always choose to use a personal statement writer service to do it for you instead. They have a team of professional writers whose job it is to make your cover letter and personal statement shine.

Comma Splicing Instead of a Period or Semicolon

This punctuation error happens when you join two separate sentences with a comma instead of a semicolon or period. This is an easy mistake to make, especially when the words that precede are transitional.


Incorrect: I intended to work there only for two years, however, I decided to stay longer.

Correct: I intended to work there only for two years; however, I decided to stay longer.


Second example: 

Incorrect: I love to go jogging and hiking in my spare time, I also like to run marathons.

Correct: I love to go jogging and hiking in my spare time. I also like to run marathons.

As you can see, grammar and punctuation are not an easy thing to get right. Proofread everything you write carefully.


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