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Literature: Hard Times



ONCE UPON A TIME Next comes the landlord when the kenkey seller is gone His screams are enough to make you quit it all You stand there and all you can do is to look up That dressmaker you haven’t paid over a year would add to your problems by spewing oceans of  insults on you living in a hard time has and would never be glamorous ONE DAY ‘Is there a way out of this disaster?’ you would quiz The sun rises but no matter what sets It may look like there would never be an end Believe me, suffering has a slender body Yet there is a man on Earth called Hope When you are down, you should look up to him He would bring his furniture and keep you comfort

After much tribulation, the sun would set
And success would ride his horses to your doorstep
He would put you on a pedestal bigger than Gates
Showering you with emeralds and platinum
wash you with a soap made of an everlasting Arabian perfume
Then you shall remember those hard times no more
The future holds enough glories for you
Don’t give up before lives gives up on you
Written by Joseph Yaw Frimpong


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