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6 Signs You Will Like a Comedian and Enjoy Their Show



Everyone has their own humour and things they find funny. For example, you might gravitate towards sarcasm and those that make fun of other people’s misfortunes. Alternatively, you might appreciate dark comedy or discussing controversial topics. That is what makes comedy so great. There is something for everyone.

Of course, since comedy is subjective, this does mean that there are going to be shows you like and ones that do not align with your humour. The best thing you can do is read about a comedian before you buy a ticket to their show. This way, you can increase your chances of having a fun time. Here are six signs you will like a comedian and enjoy their show.

They Perform at Good Venues

Often, you will be able to spot a good stand-up comedian by the venues they are playing at. Indeed, they will tend to have shows at the popular ones and feature in several shows. In particular, these will be weekend shows that are known to be busy and attract big crowds.


For example, a popular comedy club in London is Comedy Carnival. They have several locations around the city and a bunch of fantastic comedians that perform. One of them is Konstantin Kisin, whom people love for his bold and brash comedy. You can read more about him from this venue and this might be the comedian that you love to see.

Have Been Nominated for Awards

There is nothing wrong with seeing a new comedian that is new to the scene. But, there is a risk that you might not like their show since you do not know a lot about them. So, you might feel better if the comedian has been nominated for awards before. This shows that their humour has been appreciated and that they are being recognised for their performances.

Therefore, read about the comedian and their background before booking tickets to their show. You will be able to find out if they have been nominated for awards. In some cases, they will have even won several, which is a good sign.


You Have Heard Their Name Before

Again, you should not say no to seeing a new comedian and someone that is new to the stand-up comedy world. But, if you just want to book tickets to a show and take no risks, you may want to stick to seeing comedians you have heard of before. Perhaps you have seen their name somewhere or a friend has mentioned them to you. You may have heard The story of Theo Von’s dad. Theo Von is a comedian who has had a lot of public attention due to his story and has gathered 5 million listens each month on just his podcast alone. He is a favorable choice in the comedic world.

Hearing someone’s name before can give you some assurance that they are a well-known comedian. This can be just what you need to book a ticket. Of course, there is no guarantee they will be for you. But, you may feel more confident seeing their show compared to someone brand new that you have not heard of before.

There are Positive Comments Online


Are you somebody that always reads reviews before purchasing products or services? Indeed, other people can be very helpful when you are trying to make a buying decision. They can leave positive comments and reviews, which can encourage you to purchase them. Alternatively, they can warn you about potential problems and save you money.

Well, the same goes for comedians and their shows. People that have been in the audience before may leave comments about them online. This can be helpful when you are trying to make up your mind about whether you want to see the show. If there are a lot of positive comments, this is a good sign.

The Tickets are Affordable

The truth is that people do not want to spend a fortune when they want to see a comedy show. Yes, they want to have a good night and relax. But, they do not want to empty the bank in order to do this. This is particularly true if they are going with friends and family and enjoying dinner beforehand.


So, if this is how you feel about comedy shows, you are going to feel a lot better about them when the tickets are affordable. You are more likely to take the show in your stride and not set high standards for the comedian to meet. You can be more laid back about the show.

You Get a Good Vibe

Sometimes, you have to make decisions based on your first impression. For example, you might see a comedian or their show and just get a good vibe from them. This is a feeling you should listen to and it might be a sign that you will enjoy their comedy show.

So, do not rely on someone else to recommend a comedian. Instead, try to follow your gut and if you get a good feeling after seeing a poster of a comedian or information about them online, book a ticket and see what you think. Ultimately, you are never going to know for sure until you see one of their shows yourself. Taking a bit of a risk could be the best thing you have ever done.

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