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World Food Programme Presents Youth Link up Against Hunger 2022



The World Food Programme (WFP) Ghana launched the maiden edition of the Youth Link up Against Hunger 2022 on Tuesday 20th December 2022 at the GNAT Hall in Accra.

The programme which will be held annually, is an innovative way to get the youth in the country involved in the Agriculture sector to ensure continuous growth in the sector.

The programme came in two parts: a youth-led panel discussion and a Twitter chat.


The topic at the centre of the panel discussion was, “Food and Nutrition Security in Ghana: the Role of the Youth.” The panel consisted of young people currently playing active roles in various fields in the sector. They were Hannah Aidoo, a Poultry Farmer; David Appah, an Aqua culturist; Samuel Abroquah, an Agriprenuer; and Wendy-Yam Osman, an Agriculture Student.

All panellists who are in their prime years and  accomplished so much and made great differences in their respective fields at such young ages were a source of inspiration to all in attendance.They each detailed their struggles and challenges in the sector: cost of feed, cost of fertilizer, generation of start-up capital, and even either space for animal farming or fertile land for growing crops. But they all agreed that the rewards are worth all the challenges. ‘You just need to start from somewhere, doesn’t have to be big and with passion, hard work, determination, and commitment you will surely make it.’

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Mr. Abroquah admitted, “Planting for food and jobs came in and I benefitted” despite all the other issues that came with it. This was to inform the audience that, there will be support in the form of aids and grants once you begin so one should not be afraid of all the initial difficulties and financial struggles that may come, instead, seek and you shall find. The other panellists all agreed and those who had been recipients of such grants shared their experiences, filling the audience with hope.


The panellists left the audience with the final advice to be innovative in the sector, research a variety of ways to go about activities in whichever field one found him or herself and to try to apply technology as much as possible to make them as productive as they can be.

The second part of the programme; the Twitter chat, had all in attendance as well as all connected on the official WFP Ghana Twitter page serving as resource personnel on questions and issues of concern brought up.

Questions and issues were shared with the hashtags WFPGhana, GhanaFoodSystem and YLAH2022 and they were addressed with the above hashtags attached to them. This activity was to create a buzz and draw the attention of more people to the Agriculture in the country.

Both parts of the programme went smoothly and were a great success. With regard to Agriculture in Ghana, there appears to be a bright future for the country.



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