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Deeba to face trial in UK



Deeba-41The Osu District Magistrate Court on Tuesday began the extradition of Deeba Acheampong, a Ghanaian musician who is accused of defiling and assaulting his two step daughters in the United Kingdom. This was after the state had entered a nolle proseque (a process to discontinue a matter) at an Accra Circuit Court where he was previously remanded lawfully into custody. At the Osu District Magistrate Court, Deeba aka Richard Nimo had the facts and charges read out for him but the court did not take his plea. Deeba whose lawyer did not turn up, pleaded to know why he was brought before the Magistrate Court instead of the Circuit Court. According to him, he was only informed by the Police that he would be put before the Osu Court. He is currently facing five counts of defilement and assault under Ghana’s laws and raping a female under the age of 13 and assaulting a minor under the United Kingdom’s laws. Mrs Yvonne Atakora Obuobisa, Principal State Attorney told the court that Deeba was wanted in the United Kingdom under the two offences, adding that under current dispensation the UK can apply to Ghana to extradite him to stand trial. According to Mrs Obuobisa, the offences allegedly committed by the accused were not political ones, adding Ghana under international treaty would have to send him to the UK to stand trial. She mentioned that the state would provide the court with the needed video interview and transcripts during the extradition process. The court presided over by Mr Aboagye Tandoh adjourning the matter to Tuesday February 7, urged Deeba to do well to get his lawyer at the next sitting. “Here we don’t wait for lawyers unless there is a compelling reason to do so. Be prepared to conduct your case if the lawyer does not turn up,” the court said.]]>
