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Montage: Joselyn Dumas talks relationships on the internet with 'The Pillow Talk'



pillow talkThe montage for Ghanaian actress and TV host, Joselyn Dumas’ upcoming internet streamed show that seeks to address relationship issues,  ‘The Pillow Talks’ has hit the web.   The Pillow Talks is a community where real issues are addressed in a fun and unique way. Each week’s webisode would feature celebrities and interesting people to address a relationship topic. They will express their own views on the topic, leaving viewers to agree or disagree.

The show would have elements like Vox pop, that is comments from the public on the discussed topic. There would also be Pillow moments which would feature love/break up stories around the world- basically celebrity relationship news. The Pillow Talks would be streamed on YouTube weekly, and  there would also be a Google + hangout with viewers across Africa.
The Pillow Talks show can be found on Google +,facebook and twitter. Questions and emails can be sent to [email protected]
The Pillow Talks is produced by Joselyn Dumas’ production company, Virgo Sun and Flow Multimedia and will be launched soon!

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