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Exclusive: Jackie Appiah celebrates birthday with child-cancer patients



Ghanaian star actress, Jackie Appiah spent her birthday on December 5, with children in the Oncology Department of the Korle Bu Teaching Hospital in Accra. The actress donated food items, drinks and toiletries to the children’s ward as a gesture to put smiles on the faces of the cancer-stricken children and their guardians. Jackie, who has been in the USA filming ‘Still Standing’ , flew back to Ghana on the eve of her birthday in order to keep up with what has become her annual ritual of spending her birthday with the less privileged in society.  She also made a cash donation of GHc 2000 (approx 1000USD) to the ward towards the upkeep of the patients.  Dr Naa Djama Glover, who received the donations thanked the actress for her kind gesture and called for more of such support from the public. According to Jackie Appiah, she chose to spend her birthday with the children in the Oncology Department  after she joined MNet Africa  and fellow movie stars earlier in the year to donate $5000 to the Ghana Parents Association for Childhood Cancers at the Korle Bu Teaching Hospital. Jackie Appiah birthday with cancer children Jackie Appiah birthday with cancer children Jackie Appiah birthday with cancer children Jackie Appiah birthday with cancer children Jackie Appiah birthday with cancer children Jackie Appiah birthday with cancer children Jackie Appiah birthday with cancer children Jackie Appiah birthday with cancer children Jackie Appiah birthday with cancer children]]>

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