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Guru campaigns against suicide in schools



Hiplife musician, Yeboah Adjei Maradona, known in showbiz as Guru, has launched a campaign against suicide among the youth.

He has revealed that he will implement the initiative at second-cycle and tertiary institutions through musical lyrics.

“Most of these deaths are due to broken relationships and the young ones in the secondary and tertiary institutions are the victims…we must all go and help deal with the situation”, Guru told Luv FM Drive Time host, DJ Reuben on Tuesday.

A survey by the University of Ghana in 2018 revealed, at least, 500 out of 2,000 Senior High School students confessed to having engaged in suicidal behaviours.

According to the World Health Organization, nearly 800 000 people die of suicide every year, with many more attempting the act.


The rapper believes suicide must not be an option for anyone, especially, those with relationship issues.

Guru as part of the campaign intends to push for the Ghana Education Service to strengthen counselling units at all levels of education to deal with student depression.

The first of songs to advance the campaign, titled “Suicide” has been released.

Guru is using the song to admonish the youth to focus more on education and career goals than relationships.



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