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Home Generators For Power Outages – Here’s How To Choose



There are so many generators available on the market these days and more and more people are starting to buy a generator to provide power for their home during power outages. A home generator can provide so many benefits for your home, but with so many different models to choose from, it can be difficult to know which one will be the best buy for you. There are so many factors that must be taken into consideration when you are deciding on which generator to buy. 


To help you make the decision, this article is a guide on how to choose a home generator for power outages.

1. Identify Your Home Generator Needs

The first thing that you need to do when choosing a home generator for power outages is to identify your generator needs. There are two main types of generators, standby generators, and portable generators, and the best one for your home will depend on how often you are likely to have a power outage. In areas where there are regular power outages or that are prone to severe storms or Hurricanes, a home standby generator is the best option.


In addition, investing in a home warranty plan is a great way to ensure that your generator, as well as any other appliances in your home, will always be in the best possible condition. Accordingly, if you seem to be encountering frequent issues with your appliances, then home warranty providers can help you to get in touch with local repair companies and technicians that can resolve any problems. For example, if you live in Georgia, then investing in a home warranty plan from a home warranty provider like First American can safeguard your appliances and systems. You can learn more about home warranty plans by checking out the First American website here:

The experts at Ablesales told us that home standby generators have the greatest power capabilities and are permanently attached to a constant fuel line. In emergencies like during tropical storms or typhoons, it is highly advisable to have a standby generator installed in case you are cut off from supplies or help for a long time. If your area does not experience regular power outages and you are just planning on buying a home generator as a precaution, it may be a better option to buy a portable generator just to use for backup power. Portable generators do not provide as much power as standby generators, but they are much cheaper and do not need to be permanently installed in your home. You can also use a portable generator for other uses, such as for camping and parties in your backyard. Identify your home generator needs and it will help you to make the right choice.

2. Calculate Your Power Requirements

Calculating your power requirements is important in making sure that the generator you choose produces enough watts to power everything that you will need during a power outage. Again, this will be dependent on how long the power outage lasts because if it is just for a few hours then you will only need to run vital appliances like your refrigerator and heating systems. If this is the case, a generator with a relatively low power output may be sufficient. If, however, you are buying a home generator because you live in an area prone to hurricanes or storms, you will need to choose a generator that can power the majority of your home’s electrics for the duration of the storm and its aftermath. 

As mentioned above, standby generators have a greater power capacity and can provide between 7,000 and 10,000 watts depending on the model. Portable generators provide 1,000 and 10,000 watts, so as long as you accurately calculate your power requirements, a decent portable generator should be sufficient in most situations. Working out how much power you will need is very simple and these days there are online calculators where you input the appliances that you will need to run and it tells you how many watts you will need. Generators run better and more efficiently when they are not being pushed to the limit so look for a generator that provides slightly more power than you require.


3. Choose Between a Diesel or Petrol Generator

The next important decision that you need to make is whether to buy a diesel generator or a petrol generator. In terms of power capabilities, both types of generators will do the job, but generally speaking, a diesel generator is a much better choice. First of all, it is much cheaper to run a diesel generator than it is to run a petrol diesel. This may seem counterintuitive because petrol is cheaper than diesel fuel, but diesel generators are significantly more fuel-efficient than petrol generators because diesel burns at a much lower temperature than petrol. Running a diesel generator can cost 30% less than running a petrol generator so even if you are only using it during power outages it can save you a lot of money. Diesel generators require far less maintenance because diesel generators are much simpler than petrol engines and diesel fuel works as an engine lubricant. Another advantage of diesel generators is that they are far more reliable than petrol generators and so you will save significant money on servicing and maintenance. If you take good care of your diesel generator then it will last a long time before it needs any major repairs or replacement parts. 

4. Work Out Your Budget

The price of a home generator depends on its power capability, running time, and other extras like warranties and technical specifications. Standby generators are more expensive than most portable generators with prices between $2,000 for the most basic models and as much as $40,000 for real high-end industrial generators. It is important to remember that standby generators will need to be professionally installed so if you are considering buying a standby generator make sure that you inquire whether the price includes the installation fee. Portable generators cost between $1,000 to $3,000 depending on the model, power capabilities, and extras like wheels, handles, and extra fuel. 

Purchasing a home generator is an ideal way to prepare for power outages and can also provide a range of other benefits. There are so many types of generators available that it is really important to identify your generator needs, your power requirements, and how much money you want to spend. Standby generators are excellent for home use but they are more expensive and are limited in the fact that they are permanently installed and so can’t be moved. Portable generators have lower power capabilities, but are cheaper and can be taken out of your home for other uses. If you are considering buying a home generator, take the information in this article into account and make sure that you check out all the options available.


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