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How to Look After Your Health at Work



Although you might be a pro at looking after your health at home, when it comes to the workplace, many people do not take the precautions that are needed to stay healthy and safe. However, staying healthy in the workplace is important as only then will you be able to carry out your best work and impress your manager without having to take ample time off when you least want to. Then, here are some of the top tips that you need to follow to be able to care for your health and your safety in the workplace.

Reduce Stress

Stress is one of the biggest threats to your health in the workplace, and yet many people write it off as being a normal part of their everyday lives. However, jobs that give you excessive stress can mean that you start to suffer from serious mental health concerns and can lead to burnout. You might have to take time off for stress or even quit your job completely. Some of the jobs that offer people the most stress include those in teaching, healthcare roles, and business managers. Then, if your role is starting to cause you stress, such as the counselor stress that many people in mental health services experience, you need to make sure that you can take ample time off, that you practice self-care and relaxation in the evenings, and that you discuss with your manager about the possibility of extending any deadlines that you are struggling to meet easily.

Sanitize Your Hands

With a lot of people working in a small area, the disease can spread rapidly, and, before you know it, half of your office can be wiped out by the same bug. Then, to prevent yourself from falling ill and having to take a week or two off work, you should take precautions, such as sanitizing your hands with wipes or soap. This will ensure that you can keep yourself safe and healthy when you are touching surfaces that many others have touched, even if your office is operating at full capacity. Even better, you should try to wash your hands regularly with soap and water.

Get Some Fresh Air

Not only can fresh air allow germs to disperse, but it can also help you to stay healthier and happier. Then, you should always try to sit near a window and to open any windows in your office space. Your office might also have air ventilation systems and air purifiers which can help to make the space aerated. You should discuss the option of getting these with your manager if they are not installed already. If you are unable to get fresh air in the office, you should use your breaks or lunch to go for a walk outside. This can help you to refresh your mind and to swipe away the tension of the last few hours while making your lungs breathe easier and getting your digestive system moving.



Even if you have a sedentary job, you must not forget the importance of exercise throughout your week. Exercise can lower your risk of getting heart disease or of having a stroke, for example, and can also improve your mental health and concentration, and energy levels. However, getting exercise on the job can be more difficult than you might expect. Then, you should try to fit in a couple of minutes of exercise on the way to work, even if this is simply walking or cycling to work. You might also consider using your lunch break to go for a jog, and some offices even have gyms attached for employees to use. If you are unable to get away from your desk, though, you should consider performing deskercise to keep your body moving and to stop tension and muscle stiffness from occurring.

Eat Well

If you want to look after yourself in a simple and yet effective manner, you should make sure that you eat well, even when your schedule is filled up with work commitments. There are many quick and easy homemade meals that you can prepare. You should at least make sure that you are consuming enough fruit and vegetables and that you cut out sugary snacks, which can be tempting to consume at your desk in that mid-afternoon lull. You should also avoid skipping meals altogether or eating at your desk, as this can drain you and can make you eat larger portions. You should also swap ready-made sandwiches for simple bread and butter ones that you have made at home and filled with your favorite filling, or even for something a little more extravagant. This will ensure that the chaos of work does not distract you from eating delicious meals and as well as you can.

Know the Health and Safety Policy

However, workplace accidents are still common in many industries, and you may get injured by incorrectly handling machinery or even by tripping up a loose cable. Then, it is vital that you know your company’s health and safety policy in detail and that you speak up when you are uncomfortable or worried about your safety at work. You should always make sure that you are wearing the right gear to protect yourself from dangers and that your training is up to date. You should never complete tasks that you do not know how to perform, and you should stay away from possible hazards and signage which might alert you to dangers. You should make sure that you take breaks and that you are not too tired when you are operating machinery that could harm you or others.

You should never let your job affect your health, and so it is important to know the best ways that you can stay healthy while you are performing your role responsibilities. Then, by following this guide, you will be able to reduce the number of times that you are sick, ensure that you can look after your body, and prevent any workplace accidents from occurring.

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