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Is it safe to ship a car/ motorcycle / motorcycle during a pandemic?



The COVID-19 outbreak has shut down the entire country. There is hardly any industry that has not been affected by this pandemic but out of all these industries, the tourism and travel industry has been affected the most. If you are worried about the fact that whether you can ship a car/ motorcycle during a pandemic then the good news. As per the experts at, you can ship your car/ motorcycle / motorcycle safe during the pandemic but you need to be a little more considerate.


It is important to take some preventive measures because it is the question of the safety of you and your family.

Let’s first discuss that how this pandemic has affected the auto shipper industry!!!


Are auto shippers still available to offer their services?

Internet is the biggest source of information which tells us that there is no noticeable shutdown of the reputable auto shipper companies so you don’t have to worry about it and you can hire their services. Several companies are still operating while following the rules to cope with the pandemic and to prevent the spread of this dangerous virus. They are ready to provide you extra protection and convenience during this difficult time.

One of the biggest changes in the auto shipper industry is that the transportation requests are lower than before and people are shipping their vehicles less. But thankfully, with proper prevention measures and techniques, shippers are ready to ship your car/ motorcycle following the transportation protocols set by the government considering the pandemic.  

Tips to ship your car/ motorcycle!!!


Prepare your vehicle first 

To transport your car/ motorcycle, you have to first prepare it. The preparations for preparing a car/ motorcycle are the same as normal like empty your car/ motorcycle before shipment, check the fuel, check for leakage and make a necessary inspection of your car/ motorcycle before shipping it.

When you prepare your car/ motorcycle for shipping and clean the interior to remove the valuables. If needed then you may want to create a kit of supplies which includes disinfectant wipes, sanitizers, face masks, and so on. In case of a face to face meeting, make sure you wear the face masks, gloves and you use the sanitizers also.



Take preventive hygiene measures and disinfect all the surfaces to get rid of the virus. Some of the main interior car/ motorcycle parts that you should disinfect are the steering, handbrake, gearstick, controls of seat position and the main parts you think that a professional can touch when he drives the car/ motorcycle to load it into the moving truck.

A driver needs to drive car/ motorcycle to load it. Door handles, frames, luggage compartment handles are the main parts that you should disinfect immediately when you receive your car/ motorcycle at the destination point.

Choose the one that puts safety first 

When you are choosing an auto shipping company, it is recommended you choose the one which puts safety first rather than the other things even the timely delivery of the vehicle. Health should come first. They should be able to take the proper precautions. There are certain things that a company can do to ensure that the company is taking proper precautions to safeguard you from the virus.

  • They should get the details virtually instead of an in-home survey.
  • They should take the regular screening of all the crew members and professionals working for them.
  • All the professionals should be well educated and trained following the pandemic.
  • They should wear proper masks as well as gloves while performing their duties.
  • They should use sanitizers while operating.
  • There should be no contact service.
  • There should be highly cleaning services free from viruses and bacteria while transporting the vehicle.

Take proper precautions to talk to the professionals!!!

During this pandemic time, one of the most difficult jobs that a person has to do is to interact with the shipping companies. For the sake of your health, it is important to take some basic precautions while talking to professionals.

Precautions during pickup 

You should follow some safety measures while picking a vehicle. You should wear a mask and gloves and keep the distance from other people as much as it is possible. As you know the vehicle riding on the back of the truck then it might be exposed to the dangerous coronavirus. That is why it is recommended you disinfect all the surroundings before you touch them.

Try to have conversations virtually 


If it is possible then make sure you have a conversation virtually. You should meet only when you think the deal is final and when there is a real need. While meeting wears gloves, mask and don’t forget to disinfect yourself with the sanitizer also. You should also keep the distance from the professionals while talking to them even when there are no symptoms of the virus.

Bottom line:

Take the proper precautions to save yourself from the dangerous virus and take the help of professionals to ship your car/ motorcycle safe during the pandemic.

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