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Things To Do At Home During The Pandemic



Image:Amnesty International

During this period of uncertainty due to the global pandemic sticking caused by Covid-19 sticking around for longer than expected many of us are still being forced to stay at home to combat the spread of the virus. Knowing this now, we would have created this article some time ago but here are our favourite things to do at home whilst in lockdown to keep yourself entertained.

The first place we would stay would be looking to educate yourself on something that has always interested you or something you wouldn’t normally do if we weren’t in a global pandemic. Using this period to learn something new is a great way to use all your extra time in an effective way and certainly a way in which you are bettering yourself. Some ideas for this would be to start learning another language, or try and work on your cooking skills, or even try and learn to draw/paint, all of these can be an effective way to use your time.

Another area of entertainment during this period at home that has been booming is that of the online casino world with sites that can be found here. These particular sites guarantee your casino fun won’t be limited by the gamstop scheme and they are currently offering lucrative bonuses for all new customers signing up now, something that can be extra fun to partake in during the pandemic.

Furthermore, why not use this period of lockdown at home to giving your wardrobe a serious clean out which you have been putting off for some time now. All of us could do with a clean out of our wardrobes and this extended period at home is the perfect opportunity for us to do this. Once you have sorted your wardrobe out, taking your clothes/shoes to a clothes bank or charity store is a great way to recycle your clothes for someone who is less fortunate.


And finally, doing some exercise is another great way to ensure that you are working on yourself and bettering yourself and not wasting all this extra time. Exercising at home can be done in multiple different ways including in circuits, using weights, cardio like going on a run or even a bike ride, or even doing some more relaxing exercises like stretching and yoga. If you are a beginner to exercise, then there are hundreds of ways to learn including tutorials online and even free classes which you can join on Zoom or YouTube to allow you to learn the skills of the trade.
