“Her lawyers wrote to inform us about her decision to resign and according to the letter, it is a personal decision,” CEO, Inna Patty said in an interview.

The queen put down her crown barely three months after winning the pageant

In an interview, Inna Patty disputed reports that Miss Odei Amoani was “unhappy with demands required of her.”


She explained that the only expectation made on the first runner-up was the requirements for which winners work as Queens of Miss Ghana.

“Contestants are fully aware of these requirements when they take up the mantle to be queens,” she further stated.

Exclusive Events hinted that the decision may have been catalyzed by “rather unfortunate circumstances” on Miss Odei Amoani’s part, to which management did not have the opportunity to remedy.

Inna Patty stated that it was unfortunate that the queen could not continue with them but they wish her well.


“We assure followers of the brand that all is well. We will keep doing our possible best to work with winners who are ready to work with us,” she added.

Photos: Rebecca Nana Adwoa Kwabi crowned Miss Ghana 2019

Sarah Odei Amoani joins a growing list of winners who have resigned.

The 2017 winner of Ghana’s foremost beauty pageant Margeret Dery took to Twitter to vent her anger at the organizers, labeling the pageantry a scam after she resigned.


The 1st and 2nd runners up of the 2017 edition of Miss Ghana, Marigold Frimpong, and Priscilla Nana Akua Gameli, also resigned shortly after Margeret Dery.

Other former winners of the pageant including Miss Ghana 2010 – Stephanie Karikari, Miss Ghana 2015 – Antoinette Delali Kemavor, Miss Ghana 2013 – Giuseppina Nana Akua Baafi and 1 first-runner up – Margaret Kuma-Mintah also during the 2017 banter between the event organizers and Margeret Dery made some damning allegations.

The former queens alleged there were attempts to make them sleep with influential men in order to meet their task of raising funds for the organizers.

I bought the Franchise to Miss Ghana so I will run it Forever- Inna Patty
