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Must-Have Amazon Seller Tools for 2022



Amazon has now become the most popular e-commerce platform for sellers to showcase their products and maximize their sales. Joining Amazon FBA makes it easier for everyone to grow their business, and generate income in a short period.

Signing up as an FBA seller is quite easy, but it is also quite overwhelming. You will have to deal with a lot of competition while focusing on other business areas to build your brand. Luckily, there are a few tools that can help you along the way and share your burden.

It’s easy to search on Google and find plenty of such tools, but how would you know the tools you must invest in? The list below has all the top Amazon seller tools you might need to become a successful Amazon seller.

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Keep reading!

Keyword research tool

Keyword tracking helps you pick the right keywords to add to your product listing, which is crucial for Amazon SEO. Amazon SEO enables you to rank on top of the search results on Amazon. How is that important? Well, if you appear on top of search results, then more customers will be able to see your product listing, which helps in cashing more sales. If you are starting as a new FBA seller, then you must think about investing in a keyword research tool now. It is definitely worth your money and can help you rank higher on Amazon.

Product research tool

Not every product can get you sales on Amazon. It is critical to understand which product is in demand, and what should you be selling on the platform to earn profits. However, thorough research takes a lot of time and if you want to save yours, get a product research tool to help you with it. A product research tool can get you all the data you need regarding products, including customer reviews and demand. It can also help you out with sourcing. You can check out the AMZ product research tool, which assists in finding the best FBA products to sell.

Inventory management tool

Simply generating customers’ interest in your product is not enough. It is important to keep enough stock on hand to satisfy the demand of the buyers. If you fail to do so, Amazon may impose penalties or even completely terminate your account. It is a lot, yes, but you can also get an inventory management tool on board to take care of your inventory and solve this issue.


An inventory management tool will keep you updated with your current stock, and lead times, and notify you when to ship products to Amazon.

Marketing tool

You can source as much inventory you want, but if your products fail to grab audience’s attention, then there is no point. Marketing tools like Helium 10 can help you run successful PPC ads on Amazon. Additionally, with the assistance of such tools you can design your landing page too, which will eventually increase the interest of your customers. You can also keep a track of how your PPC ad campaigns are doing.

Amazon Repricing tool

An Amazon repricing tool helps you stay competitive on Amazon so that you can get increased sales and earn maximum profits. There will be other sellers selling the same product as yours, and one way to differentiate yourself from them is by repricing your items and keeping them attractive. However, it doesn’t necessarily mean to lower them to the point where you risk your profit margin. A repricer takes smart decisions and reprice only when it’s necessary, that too while keeping your profit margin in mind. Get one if you really want to win on Amazon.

In conclusion,

Selling on Amazon may seem easy, but once you start doing it, you notice all the areas where you might require help. These must-have Amazon seller tools can assist you in selling better, and generating maximum profits. Try them out!



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