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Rev. Yawson and Diana Hopeson honoured in US



GOSPEL music legends, Diana Hopeson and Rev. Thomas Yawson, have been celebrated at the 5th edition of GSMTV Gospel Awards held in Minnesota, USA for their dedication and contribution to the Ghanaian music industry. GSMTV Gospel Awards organised by Gospel Safari Ministries last week saw the two picking Gospel Music Legend awards. Speaking with Showbiz about the award at her office in East Legon on Monday, October 29, Diana Hopeson said she appreciates the gesture since it tells a lot about her work over the years. The former MUSIGA President said the award will spur her on to achieve more on the gospel scene. “This is a good one for me and I appreciate it. At least, it is fulfilling to know that someone out there is watching you and honours you for your works,” she stated. On his part, Rev. Yawson said such recognitions outside the country bring much deeper meanings to his Ministry which is to preach the goodness of God. “Most times, people appreciate you by word of mouth but when that translates into action such as this, it is very humbling and a plus to my works. “ I am not retiring anytime soon and this award has encouraged me to do more,” he stated.]]>
