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Sarkodie and family finally arrive in Ghana




Sarkodie and has family have finally arrived in Ghana after about 6 months away from home, due to being caught up in a coronavirus induced border closure.

After several calls on government by the rapper and his wife to create an opportunity for them and other equally stranded Ghanaians to return home, they had their wishes come into reality. A parody Twitter account for Tracy announced their arrival via Twitter saying “Welcome to Ghana. @sarkodie and myself with Titi have arrived in Ghana. Thank God for traveling mercies.” 

Tracy then replied the parody account to stop impersonating her: “Can you stop with this nonsense and fake account please?! Impersonating someone is a crime! If it’s a parody account fine but let it be known and stop deceiving people. It’s my name your playing with. Thank you & good morning”



His return is part of government’s processes of air-lifting Ghanaians who were stranded abroad due to the closure of borders .The rapper and his family will undergo a 14-day mandatory quarantine to ascertain their Covid-19 status.

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