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Shaq Express, the new standard for delivery apps in Ghana



Delivery companies are springing up faster in the country than mobile money agents. Every day,
you are most likely to hear of a new one. it’s almost impossible to tell one apart from the other but
amidst the noise and chatter, one company seems to be playing a fine tune.

With technology, ShaQ Express has played a big role in revolutionizing the delivery service
shifting trends from the traditional phone-in methods to booking orders online, all aimed at
satisfying consumers’ ever-changing demands. ShaQ Express, a tech-driven courier company, in
the past 7 months has contributed to the changes in consumer preference as their technology-
driven service has facilitated commerce online; whether it’s getting food or having a package
delivered to your doorstep.

The ShaQ Express App provides convenience, a huge appeal to the consumers, as it simplifies
the process of placing an order; allowing customers to enjoy a hassle- free service with a click of
a button on their smartphones or tablets.


A Delivery App that actually works

Delivery service has become a very attractive business venture with over 300 delivery companies
in Accra alone. There has however been a massive user migration in the industry with more users
opting for smarter integrated options – requesting for the services via a mobile app but not all the
apps provide the convenience it was meant to. In fact, we have sampled delivery companies’
Apps and the ShaQ Express App checks all the boxes; standing out as “The Delivery App ” that
actually works.

The app is user friendly with an elegant interface and with a few simple steps you can create an
account and place your request easily. The app also provides options for you to schedule or book
your trips for later delivery requests. Impressively, you can get a dispatch rider in 30 secs of

A delivery company delivering on its Promises


Almost every delivery company promises the best services. Some even go as far as embedding those promises in their company names with add ons like express, speedy or swift. But if you’re looking for a courier provider that doesn’t just talk the talk but walks it as well then ShaQ Express is the first name that comes to mind.

The company makes bold claims in terms of being the fastest company to accept a request on their App in 30 seconds and backs it up in practice. Once you hit that “request a rider” button, you’re almost always guaranteed to get a call from a strikingly professional dispatch rider in 30 seconds or less. That is not the only promise ShaQ Express is making to its customers; the company also assures customers of a secure and reliable delivery of their goods so you can trust that your package arrives at its destination in perfect condition.

One single phrase comes to mind when you think of ShaQ Express and it’s that “THEY ARE SWIFT.”

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