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Sweet Mother: Photo of Yvonne Nelson getting cutesy with her mum



yvonne nelson and mumIn my ‘sweet mother’ series which started a week ago to celebrate  Mothers’ Day, I must admit that I have been combing through Yvonne Nelson’s instagram to see if she would post a pix of her mother and finally she did.  Check out what she wrote: “Happy Mother’s Day…..I call her dad and mum….she did it all……I’m here cuz of God and you mum….you’ve been there…kindergarten,high Sch,University….through it alllllllll….thank you and I’m proud of you…you ROCK!!!! Go MUM and Yess she’ll see this… She’s on Instagram. Lol….she ff me everywhere…. Oooh and keek too…she doesn’t understand twitter ]]>

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