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The 4 Types of Social Media Influencers



We all know or follow a very famous social media influencer on our social media platform, and whatever happens, we just don’t see ourselves ever unfollowing that person or page. Why? Because their influence is not only meaningful but also beneficial to us, as they advise us on particular topics and subjects. Or, maybe even simpler than that, and less serious, the fact their presence is pleasing, is reason enough for us to follow them. Yes, such social media influencers exist, and they dominate the social media world. In fact, they are so dominant, so widely known, and hugely popular, that one post from their account has the ability to reach more people than a mass text messaging campaign.

With that being said, there is also the social media influencer who is less impactful, yet still as potent, and as important, among their followers and fans. When it comes to businesses and marketing, choosing which one to work with is key, as one will hold more leverage over the other. And so, in order to know which social media influencer is right for you, you must first know the different kinds of influencers operating out there. However you may also find out about the social networking sites and find out which is the perfect platform for your business. For instance, you may come across the advertisement to get more Instagram followers or Facebook followers. But you need to figure out which platforms are more appropriate for your business. Here are the 4 types of social media influencers. 


4- The Nano-Influencer


The Nano-Influencers are the type of influencers who have a small following, usually under 10,000. This could be because this influencer has just started out and will later grow their following, or it very well could be that they capped off at a small number of followers. Regardless, their followers don’t take away from their influence. In fact, a lot of major companies work regularly with nano-influencer because they do a good job of speaking highly of the brand and delivering values and messages across. In fact, big brands have started to view their employees like nano-influencers, where they will post positive content about the brand, and spark their followers into action. If you’re a business looking to partner with an influencer, and you’re going for an ear-to-the-ground approach and sending a wholesome message, then tapping in the services of a nano-influencer may be your best shot at doing just that. 

3- The Micro-Influencer

The micro-influencer has a relatively larger following than the nano-influencer. A mico-influencer following stands at around 20,000 to 350,000 followers. The micro-influencer is the type of influencer that focuses on a specific niche and is a professional in that niche. Therefore, they gain followers through their expert insight and knowledge, that people value. Mico-influencers are extremely powerful in the sense that given the fact that although their following isn’t the largest following, it’s large enough that they are able to communicate to them the majority of them and get tangible and beneficial insight and opinion. Thus, if you’re a business, mico-influencers could be a great way to help you gather information about a specific product, to know which one resonates with your target customer base, and which one does not.


2- The Macro-Influencer 

Continue to go down the list we come across the next type of social media influencer which is the maco-influencer. This type of influencer has a following of 400,000 to 1.5 million followers. Like micro-influencers, macro-influencers are experts in a specific niche themselves. However, for whatever reason, macro-influencers have a larger following than their predecessors. It could be that they are more knowledgeable about their field, are more popular amongst social media users, or work better on social media than their competitors. For businesses, the macro-influencer is good if you have a limited budget to spend on social media, and you’re looking to yield the highest possible results. Collaborate with a macro-influencer and reap the rewards that come with gaining access to a million or so followers! 

1- The Mega-Influencer (Celebrities) 

The mega-influence or -at this point- the celebrity is a social media personality that has anywhere upwards of 2 million followers. The mega-influencers reach precedes them, and so marketing with a mega-influencer may be tricky, and at times not profitable. On one hand, when partnering with a mega-influencer, you will get access to their wide ranging and large audience and following. On the other hand, your product may be lost in translation, and marketing with mega-influencers can be extremely expnsive. Also, there is the chance that the post promoting your product may get taken down in the future because that’s common with mega-influencers. So think long and hard before deciding on pursuing the route of a mega-influencer. The other forms of social media influencers may be more suitable for your cause. 

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