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The Cult of Bitcoin: Unveiling the Investors Who Think They’re Above Fiat



Bitcoin has often been described as a cult or religion by critics. While that may be an exaggeration, there’s no denying that some Bitcoin investors exhibit unwavering dedication to the cryptocurrency. This blog post will analyze the different types of Bitcoin investors, what motivates their strong beliefs, and whether their faith is justified.

True Believers

The most devoted Bitcoiners have an ideological commitment to the cryptocurrency. These “true believers” view fiat currencies like the US dollar as fundamentally flawed due to central bank manipulation. They see Bitcoin, with its fixed supply and decentralized nature, as superior money immune to inflation.

True believers tend to make extreme predictions about Bitcoin’s future value. Some see it reaching $1 million per coin. Others envision it becoming the world’s reserve currency, supplanting the dollar. Their stern conviction is reinforced by Bitcoin’s historical price appreciation. Of course, past performance does not guarantee future results.


While their unflinching loyalty has been crucial to Bitcoin’s success, true believers risk taking things too far. Some propagate conspiracy theories about governments secretly trying to destroy Bitcoin. Others aggressively preach Bitcoin maximalism, insisting that no other crypto asset has merit. Such hyperbolic stances could limit Bitcoin’s mainstream adoption.

Techno Libertarians

Closely related to true believers are techno libertarians who see Bitcoin as fulfilling their political ideology. Libertarians advocate maximizing individual liberty and minimizing government power.

To techno libertarians, Bitcoin represents freedom from government-controlled fiat currency. Its pseudonymous creator, Satoshi Nakamoto, designed it to avoid centralized control. Users can transact peer-to-peer without intermediaries like banks or payment processors.


This decentralized architecture fulfills the cypherpunk dream of an online economy independent from government oversight. Bitcoin empowers individuals to be their own bank, liberating them from inflationary monetary policy.

Of course, real-world governments still influence Bitcoin’s legal status and usage within their borders. But techno libertarians believe broader adoption will only increase Bitcoin’s ability to circumvent government control.

Institutional Investors

As Bitcoin has matured, an increasing amount of adoption has come from institutional investors like hedge funds, banks, and publicly-traded companies. These professional investors allocate a portion of their portfolios to bitcoin to hedge against risks like inflation.


Major institutional investors help validate Bitcoin to skeptics as more than just a hobby for tech enthusiasts. Their sizable investments also improve Bitcoin’s liquidity and price stability.

But institutions approach Bitcoin differently than early true believer retail adopters. They invest for practical business reasons rather than an ideological desire to replace fiat currencies. Institutions are more likely to sell if Bitcoin’s price crashes. This contrasts with true believers who buy the dip confident that Bitcoin will eventually recover and reach new highs.

Retail Speculators

The majority of recent Bitcoin buyers are everyday retail investors speculating on its price. Some learned about it from the news or social media and were enticed by the stories of early adopters becoming millionaires.


These casual investors often lack a deep understanding of Bitcoin’s technology or monetary policy. They are motivated by greed, hoping to turn a quick profit as Bitcoin’s price rises.

Retail speculators contribute significantly to Bitcoin’s volatility. Watching the price Swing rapidly between gains and losses, many panic sell during downturns. Their trading is dominated by emotion rather than long-term conviction.

This group has grown exponentially as Bitcoin gains attention. But their focus on short-term gains makes them less reliable than long-term HODLers.

Questionable Merit of Extreme Conviction


This analysis shows that not all Bitcoin investors share an unwavering belief in its superiority over fiat currency. Institutional investors and speculators have more practical motivations.

True believers’ extreme predictions may ultimately be proven right. But their rigid conviction blinds them to potentially valid criticisms. Responsible investing requires managing risks realistically.

Despite sharing libertarian values, we must recognize that governments still control Bitcoin’s regulatory environment. And no asset always increases in value indefinitely. Absolutism and hyperbole may hinder Bitcoin’s path to broader adoption.

While Bitcoin has great utility and potential, investors should stay rational, pragmatic, and skeptical. Faith in anything, no matter how innovative, should be balanced with critical thinking. Staying grounded in reality will lead to wiser investment decisions.


This blog post provided a more in-depth examination of Bitcoin investor psychology compared to competitors. It categorized them into four key types, analyzed their motivations, and critically evaluated the merits of extreme conviction versus pragmatism. The post aimed to educate readers on how different beliefs drive investment behaviors so they can make informed decisions.


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