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The impact of Coronavirus on the gambling industry worldwide




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  1. Macau gaming business: coronavirus progresses
  2. Italy – the European focus of coronavirus
  3. Online gambling during Coronavirus
  4. Conclusion

The coronavirus pandemic quickly spread to all continents, which led to a collapse in oil prices and the instability of major currencies. The virus also affected the entire service sector, including the gambling business.

The disease first struck China, and after that spread throughout the world. The pandemic not only affected the physical and psychological health of mankind, but it also played a role in global economic processes. Due to the introduction of quarantine, the sphere that is associated with the provision of various kinds of services has suffered the most.

Macau gaming business: coronavirus progresses

Macau was one of the first to suffer, due to its proximity to the source of infection. In connection with the infection of three people, on February 4, the Macau government decided to close the ground casino clubs. Quarantine lasted 15 days. But these two weeks have significantly affected gross income for the first quarter of this year. According to analysts, a pandemic could lead to a 50% decrease in revenue. It is also worth noting that quarantine affects the annual income of the casino.

It is worth noting that after the global upheaval associated with coronavirus, few people will immediately want to start gambling. This will hit casino revenues even more.


Italy – the European focus of coronavirus

Here the consequences of the disease are increasingly destructive. However, the government decided to introduce stringent measures. Italian citizens are forbidden to move freely, access to the street should be reasonable and important (work, obtaining medical care). They closed all crowded places: shopping centers, shops, clubs, cafes, restaurants, casinos, betting offices, etc. Such strict rules have shaken the entire services sector in Italy. Forced quarantine lasts until May 3.

European cities have decided to switch to telecommuting. They dismissed the entire staff of gambling regulators and sent them to work online. In Denmark, quarantine lasts until April 29, but at the same time, thanks to modern programs, each employee can work without leaving their home. Also, such a decision was made by the government of Lithuania and Latvia, where the quarantine will last until mid-May.

Online gambling during Coronavirus

The online gambling situation got better during the pandemic. During quarantine, most gamers in search of entertainment will rush to online platforms such as Casinonic casino, which can be found by link At the same time, the gambling market will have the opportunity to compensate for the losses from the closure of the land-based gambling business.

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But the bookmakers were not so lucky, they won’t be able to compensate for the losses due to the cancellation of global sports competitions.


The rapid spread of the causative agent of coronavirus has led to a pandemic. Because of this, most countries have quarantined and closed their borders. So, all services were closed, including casinos, bookmakers.


Most advanced countries in the gambling business were forced to take action and send workers to quarantine or telecommuting. The online gambling situation during a pandemic is much better. Players will find gambling on online casino platforms. This will help compensate for the loss from the closure of the land gambling business.

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