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The Impact of Weather on Motorcycle Accidents



The freedom offered by riding a motorcycle can be restricted when the weather is poor. Being able to stay safe on the ride means being aware of the local weather conditions and determining when it’s a good idea to pull over and wait for the weather to change. Those who do ride in poor weather may be at a higher risk of being in an accident, so safety should always be a priority when riding a motorcycle.

Rain and Wet Roads

The roads are slick when it’s raining. Even if it has stopped raining, it is a good idea to wait a little bit for the roads to dry before riding a motorcycle. It doesn’t matter if the motorcycle has excellent traction and can navigate the wet roads, other vehicles may not be able to do so. It is easy to end up hit on your motorcycle because someone does not realize that they need more time to stop on wet roads or because they end up sliding when they hit a wet patch of the road.

Severe Thunderstorms


In severe thunderstorms, the rain isn’t the only factor to consider. Lightning can be unpredictable and highly dangerous. It is recommended for those on motorcycles to stop and find shelter when there is a severe thunderstorm. Along with lightning, they are at risk of being hit by hail, being hit by another driver who can’t see them, or other potential risks.

Strong Winds

Winds are something every motorcyclist learns to contend with when riding, but strong winds can be a different story. Strong gusts can cause motorcyclists to be off balance or to move to the side because of the force. On top of this, other drivers may not be able to stay in their lane when there are strong gusts of wind and can end up hitting someone on a motorcycle as a result.

Fog or Snow


Fog or snow can make it harder for someone to see while they’re driving. Motorcyclists who must drive through fog or snow should ensure their running lights are on so other vehicles can see them from further away. In addition, motorcyclists should be aware of the other drivers on the road and pay attention to how they are driving to help prevent an accident. Drivers have trouble seeing motorcycles when it’s clear, so fog or snow can make it that much harder for a motorcyclist to be seen and stay safe.

Extreme Heat

Extreme heat doesn’t cause the road itself to be dangerous, but it can still be unsafe for motorcyclists. They may be willing to forgo safety equipment to stay cool on the ride, but if they are in an accident, this can lead to far more severe injuries. Instead, during the hottest months of the year, motorcyclists should ride when it’s cooler outside or take precautions against the heat while still wearing the appropriate safety gear in case there’s an accident.

Always pay attention to the weather before riding on a motorcycle to stay as safe as possible. If adverse weather does occur, it is important to take steps to stay safe on the road to avoid being in an accident. Those who are in an accident with another vehicle because of the weather may want to speak with a lawyer to find out if they’re eligible for compensation for their injuries.

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