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The Importance of Traceability In Manufacturing



Traceability is now a very critical subject in the production process. A few years ago, many people thought that it was only helpful for product recalls, but now the notion is different. With the increase in counterfeit, corruption, and theft in companies, the demand for a system to keep everyone accountable is high. Traceability is, in fact, necessary for all production sectors as it improves the overall production process. Before looking at its importance, have a look at what traceability entails.

Traceability involves two main processes, namely, tracing and tracking. Tracing consists of looking back at the production process, where the components of an item came from, how long it took to be ready, and the entire manufacturing of the thing until it leaves the manufacturer. On the other hand, tracking involves looking at where the product connects to the suppliers until it arrives at the consumer. Therefore, in simple terms, tracing looks back to production while tracking looks forward to the supply and sale. A good interconnected system should give information on a single unit or batch from buying raw materials to getting all documents involved and all who prepared them, and connect to the buyer. Discussed below are some reasons why your products need to be traceable.

i. Enhanced product recall process
When people hear product traceability, their first thought is usually recalling defective products. Before people discovered its other advantages, this was the initial use for the process. In case the producer or supplier notices a defect in a product, they can access all information about the individual product and the whole batch produced with it. This data helps to effectively recall all products already in the market that could have the same malfunction. It also helps to trace the source of the problem by checking the production process and all who participated. The manufacturer ensures that no product will be left out through traceability and sees to it that all necessary adjustments happen accordingly.

ii. To deal with counterfeits
Before manufacturers identified how to track their products, many people benefited from making counterfeits without being caught. However, with even as simple as barcode identification, a producer can know whether the product in question is indeed theirs. Counterfeit goods are usually substandard and may bring accusations to the manufacturing brand. A product with your brand name is yours until you prove that your company did not produce the malfunctioning product. This proof comes by checking your database that tracks the movement of your products.


iii. Reduced production costs
Traceability helps you monitor the production process more effectively and precisely estimate the excessive expenses or loopholes for theft. This kind of openness keeps everyone on toes and helps to avoid unnecessary cash flows that increase production costs. When production costs are low, the cost of goods manufactured also decreases, making your product more marketable. Low production costs also boost the business’s profitability, giving it a better chance at expansion.

iv. Improved product quality
Traceability offers a system that closely monitors the plant’s day-to-day operations and ensures that a particular standard gets achieved. Production, therefore, maintains a high-quality standard throughout, making the items trustworthy. This close monitoring is vital, especially when dealing with delicate products like food, vehicles, airplanes, and even weapons. Such critical items require utmost care during production since low-quality products can cause fatal damages. Constant maintenance of the high-quality output makes it easy to differentiate the authentic and counterfeit products.

v. Customer satisfaction
Any manufacturer intends to ensure their clientele remains satisfied and loyal to their product. With the ever-increasing competition, effectiveness in business is what keeps one at the top. Having a system that can ensure your products are good quality and get to the customers in the same condition helps keep your customers happy. Tracking and tracing products also facilitate easy response to your customers when they ask about a specific item from your company. The quick and efficient response to the clients keeps you at a vantage point over your competitors. When the customer is happy, the business will also do better.

vi. Compliance with legislation
Some places now have traceability as a requirement for critical industries like food, medicine, defense, vehicle, and planes production. These industries handle critical products that require fast action in case of any eventuality. For example, recalling a drug needs speed and accuracy to prevent further damage when the particular medicine seems to have fatal adverse effects. Therefore, every drug manufacturers need a system to track all deliveries and sale of medications for such instances. Vehicles and planes also need to follow strict regulations to avoid nasty accidents. Places with such laws will not allow you to start production without having an existing effective system for tracing and tracking your products.


In conclusion, you can see the importance of having traceability as a manufacturer from the above reasons. The effectiveness it brings in the running of your company will save you a lot of time and money by preventing fraudulent behaviors. The system will keep you productive by allowing you to see the loopholes inside and outside your company that affect your production costs. Research on those already using the system revealed that profitability and quality standards increased significantly when they installed a system to help with traceability. Additionally, with the business world moving to automation and digital efficiency, such a system will not be a luxury but a requirement. Above all, full traceability is a way of brand protection and customer satisfaction.


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