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The Natural Frankenstein Monster Called Inflammation



What is Inflammation?

Inflammation is a complex biological response that occurs when the body’s immune system detects and responds to harmful stimuli—such as pathogens, damaged cells, or irritants. It is a cardinal part of the body’s defense mechanism and plays a crucial role in fighting infections and promoting healing. When the immune system detects a threat, it produces various molecules; including pro-inflammatory chemicals called cytokines. These cytokines help recruit immune cells to the site of inflammation and initiate the inflammatory response.

Demystifying the complexity of Inflammation

During inflammation, blood vessels in the affected area dilate, allowing more blood flow into the area. This is what causes the redness and warmth. Blood vessel permeability also increases allowing immune cells and fluid to traverse the blood vessels into the tissues causing swelling.


Inflammation also involves the activation of immune cells such as macrophages and neutrophils (these are a type of immune cells; classified as agranulocytes and granulocytes respectively).

On the other hand, while acute inflammation is a necessary response to injury or infection, chronic inflammation can be deleterious, chronic inflammation occurs when the immune system remains activated for an extended period, even in the absence of a specific threat.

It can occur due to various factors, including autoimmune disorders, long-term exposure to irritants or toxins, or underlying health conditions.

It is very critical to note that chronic inflammation is the root cause of myriad diseases like cardiovascular diseases, cancer, diabetes, arthritis, and inflammatory bowel disease.


Lastly, the symptoms of inflammation can vary depending on the affected area but commonly include pain, swelling, redness, heat, and loss of function.  

By Dynasty Health LLC:

Dynasty Health is a nutrition-based company based in the capital city of Ghana. Our aim is to harness the medicinal properties of food (nutraceuticals) and prevent all forms of chronic diseases using food (preventive medicine). Book a flexible health session with us: +233558343127 or

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