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The Power Of Creative Collisions. Why You Need More Chaos In Your Life



We’re drowning in information, yet starved for real connection. We attend the same conferences, scroll through the same feeds, and mostly find ourselves trapped in echo chambers of our own design. But what if there was a space where those walls crumbled, disciplines collided, and the only expectation was a shared hunger for something more?

What if the real breakthroughs, the ones that matter, only emerge from the beautiful chaos of colliding perspectives, disciplines, and ideas?

That’s the bet Crowdpen is making with “Creative Chaos.” This isn’t your typical networking event. It’s a bi-monthly collision of entrepreneurs, artists, techies, and changemakers—all hungry to build a better future, together.

Here, entrepreneurs, artists, techies, and changemakers converge, not to pitch or impress, but to tap into the power of unlikely collaborations. Because the challenges we face today – from climate change to social inequality to the future of work – demand fresh perspectives and radical collaboration.


There’s no set agenda, no pre-determined program, no designated speakers. Here, everyone is a speaker, everyone is a panelist, and every voice contributes to the collective brilliance.

No single industry, discipline, or individual holds all the answers. “Creative Chaos” recognizes this, providing a fertile ground for:

  • Spontaneous Brainstorming: Rapid-fire idea exchanges, interactive challenges, and playful exercises unlock new ways of thinking, pushing you beyond your usual creative limits.
  • Unlikely Collaborations: Forget networking within your bubble. Here, you’ll connect with people outside your usual circles, sparking unexpected partnerships and discovering that a tech founder, a filmmaker, and a social entrepreneur might just hold the key to your next breakthrough.
  • Actionable Inspiration: “Creative Chaos” is not about passive listening or predictable presentations. It’s about leaving with tangible takeaways, fresh perspectives, and the motivation to turn ideas into reality.

This is a call to action for anyone who feels stifled by the status quo, for those who crave a space where diverse minds come together to dream, to do, and to disrupt.

The most groundbreaking innovations often emerge not from solitary genius, but from the beautiful chaos of creative collisions.

Convinced to join us?


Learn more and register here or call 0546880898/ 0277667561 for more information

Date: Saturday 29th June, 2024

Time: 11am – 3pm

Venue: Jambo Spaces, Tse Addo

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