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TV3 strips Nasara of Ghana’s Most Beautiful title

TV3, producers of Ghana’s Most Beautiful has stripped the reigning queen of her title following reports that she was allegedly involved in a phone theft in the UK. In a press release, the TV station said it regrets to announce that in the light of certain recent revelations, involving Miss Nasara Mariam Abdul Rauf, it […]



TV3, producers of Ghana’s Most Beautiful has stripped the reigning queen of her title following reports that she was allegedly involved in a phone theft in the UK. In a press release, the TV station said it regrets to announce that in the light of certain recent revelations, involving Miss Nasara Mariam Abdul Rauf, it is officially parting ways with her.

According to the release signed by Syed Ahmad Zaidi, CEO of TV3, the title would be passed on to the first runner up.

“The decision has come after a series of investigations and internal discussions. The Crown will automatically pass on to Miss Lamisi Sam Awinongya, the 1st runner up of Ghana’s Most Beautiful 2009.”

“It has not been easy for TV3 to arrive at such a course of action. This has however become necessary in order to maintain the integrity of and uphold the noble ideas of the TV3 Ghana’s Most Beautiful brand.”


Miss Nasara, will, however, retain all the prizes that she received for winning the pageant, including the car.