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A Realistic Approach to Building Sexual Confidence



Let’s be honest. Sometimes sexual confidence can be challenging. You might ooze confidence while smashing that presentation and work, but it can be difficult when it comes to sex and your body because it makes you feel vulnerable. 


Sexual and body confidence is not about being a pro in bed. It’s not about having big boobs or sexy abs. And it doesn’t come from having plenty of sex. While it might mean different things to several people, being sexually confident is about feeling comfortable in your skin, knowing you deserve pleasure, and being able to articulate what you like. 



A sexually confident woman enjoys sex, and it’s fun while she’s at it. She doesn’t obsess with failure and rejection. She is relaxed and confident in her own body. A few tweaks in and outside the bedroom can make you more self-assured and wilder. If you are one of those who still struggle with sexual confidence, all of that can change today. It’s entirely up to you. So snag your partner or favorite sex toys and read on because now is the time to add a little strut to your stuff.

Learn How to Love your Body Image


As a woman, you tend to be more critical of your body than your partner would. You compare your body to other women while looking at social media pictures of women who have added filters to their photographs and forgetting that many celebrities have a cosmetic surgeon at their beck and call. The idea of “perfection” can prevent you from loving the beautiful way your body is designed because beauty standards change all the time.



To love your body, learn to look at yourself naked in the mirror every day. I’m not talking about the first glance you take at the mirror when stepping out of the shower. I mean, taking your time to intentionally stare at yourself in a full-length mirror while affirming how beautiful and sexy you are. If you have never done this to gain sexual confidence, it might sound weird at first. But, I promise you, the more you do this, the more you’ll improve your sexual confidence.


Share your Sexual Needs with your Partner.


I’m such a huge advocate of couples discussing their sexual expectations before having sex for the first time. Hey, great sex starts with good communication. How will you expect your partner to “get you there” if you have not discussed what you like beforehand? These conversations may feel awkward but approach them with playfulness and curiosity. You can laugh, blush, or even get aroused in the process. Keep your mind open and make it fun. Women with sexual confidence know that this is crucial, and they do it without hesitation or apology. 



Explore your Body through Masturbation


There is more to masturbation than, you know, just reaching climax. Masturbation is a fantastic confidence booster. If you are struggling with body confidence, solo sex and the plethora of vibrating toys, anal accessories, and much more can help you learn how to love and know the nuances of your body. Knowing your own body can be super empowering, and the more you are in tune with your body, the happier you will be with your partner. It helps you understand your preferences and reach the big O. Your body has different erogenous zones. Take your time to explore them. Believe me, pleasing yourself is a great way to cultivate good feelings about yourself, and you can transfer those feelings to the rest of the world. Sexual confidence is such a strong aphrodisiac. But, the more you are trying masturbation with penis de borracha, the more you’ll improve your sexual confidence.





This is not about losing weight or building muscle, though they can be bonus benefits. It is about learning what your body can do, how it moves, stretches, and endures. Exercising releases those feel-good hormones in the body. When you are proud of your body, and how much it can handle outside the bedroom, that feel-good energy will also spill into your sex life. 

Eat Right


While learning how to become more sexually confident, many people overlook the importance of eating a healthy and balanced diet. What you eat can boost your confidence or could be slowing down your growth. If you eat stuff with plenty of sugars, poor fats, empty calories, and food with many chemicals, you’re not setting yourself up for good health, and you’re likely to have poor sleep, feel depressed, lethargic, and tired all the time. How you eat impacts your mood, self-esteem, and your short-term energy. Eat more fruits, green veggies, nuts and legumes, high fiber diets, lean protein, and low fat. Asides from nourishing your body, they work like magic to build your lack of sexual confidence.



Get to Know Yourself on an Intimate Level.


This is by learning what you like and what you don’t like. It’s by being completely honest with yourself and not apologizing for it. And because your sexuality lies in a better understanding of yourself, getting to know yourself on an intimate level can help you build a healthy dose of sexual confidence.

Sexual confidence isn’t just about mastering bedroom maneuvers; it’s about embracing your body and desires. While it may seem daunting, taking small steps like exploring your body through solo sessions can make a big difference. So, why not start your journey to self-assurance today? Check out for more insights on nurturing confidence.



Pamper Yourself


You deserve all the love! Splurge on those sexy clothes that flatter your figure. Wear something nice. Slather on some silky and scented lotion. Take a warm bubble bath. Book a spa session and pamper that skin or treat yourself to a professional manicure or pedicure! Whatever makes you feel happy, relaxed, and the opposite of timid, be free to do it, and you will feel prepared and not nervous during sex.



Be with a Loving and Caring Partner.


Many people call their partners “happy pills.” I need to stress the importance of being with the right person. Partners who do not make you feel bad about your lack of sexual confidence, allow you to be your true self, treat you with respect, care about your comfort, pleasure, seek consent, provide a safe space for you to express yourself – these are the people you deserve. Having a great partner who supports you and believes in you is an amazing confidence booster. A caring partner will encourage you when you’re down, compliment you, and make you feel better about yourself.


Identify Where you Lack Sexual Confidence.



Sex is a vulnerable experience. Body shame, low self-esteem, traumatic breakup, and past experiences can affect your sexual confidence. It doesn’t matter how beautiful and sexy you are or how perfect your bedroom skills are. When you are self-conscious and timid, it can hinder your sexual enjoyment. Identify these factors then you can know how to become more sexually confident. 


Never Fake an Orgasm


How can you be sexually confident if you deceive your partner into thinking the sex was pleasurable and remarkable for you? Sis, your body is too precious for faking orgasms, and you deserve all the orgasms you can get. Commit to your sexual satisfaction and be confident to express when you are pleased and not feeling it. The right partner will want you to be satisfied, so they will appreciate you speaking up. And when you are encouraged to be open and sincere as possible, that is a perfect way to improve your sexual confidence.



I’m not saying having sexual confidence in bed is easy. Even if you masturbate most of the time, it can still be nerve-wracking adding another person into the picture. It takes time. But if there is one thing you should know, it’s that it all starts with you!


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