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King Charles III diagnosed with cancer, Buckingham Palace says



Doctors have detected cancer in Britain’s King Charles III, Buckingham Palace said in a statement released on Monday, February 5, 2024.

The unspecified cancer was discovered as doctors treated the monarch for an enlarged prostate  just over a week ago. It is understood that the king has been diagnosed with cancer elsewhere in his body, not of the prostate.



Buckingham Palace says the King “remains wholly positive about his treatment and looks forward to returning to full public duty as soon as possible”.

He will postpone his public engagements and it is expected other senior royals will help to stand in for him during his treatment.

No further details are being shared on the stage of cancer or a prognosis.

The King, 75, returned to London from Sandringham in Norfolk on Monday morning and the palace says he has commenced treatment as an outpatient.

Although he will pause his public events, the King will continue with his constitutional role as head of state, including paperwork and private meetings.

“The King is grateful to his medical team for their swift intervention, which was made possible thanks to his recent hospital procedure. He remains wholly positive about his treatment and looks forward to returning to full public duty as soon as possible,” the statement said.

The statement further made known that the  monarch had “chosen to share his diagnosis to prevent speculation and in the hope it may assist public understanding for all those around the world who are affected by cancer.”

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Hollard Ghana Empowers Students with Menstrual Hygiene Education and Donates to 9 schools.



Hollard Ghana, the country’s favourite insurer, with its subsidiaries Hollard Insurance and Hollard Life, has made a profound difference in the lives of young girls in Tema, Sunyani, Takoradi, Kumasi, and Tamale. Through reproductive health education and the distribution of sanitary pads, the company has commemorated World Menstrual Hygiene Day and empowered the youth to take charge of their health and education.

The beneficiary schools are across five regions in Ghana, including Methodist Day Senior High School, Tema,  Sunyani, Nwawasua M/A Basic School, St Anselm’s Anglican Cluster of Schools, Sunyani, Methodist Basic School, Tanoso, Methodist Basic School, Yamfo, Mbredane STMA Basic, St James Anglican Basic – Akromakrom, Mampong Stma Basic, Atwiman Kwanwoma Senior High Technical (AKASS), Trede, Kumasi and Vitting Senior High School, Tamale.

After successfully coordinating multiple events across the country, Cynthia Ofori-Dwumfuo, Group Head of Marketing and Corporate Affairs at Hollard Ghana, stated that as an insurance company, Hollard’s goal is to provide care to its community. She said, “We are thrilled to commemorate World Menstrual Day with over 5000 students nationwide. Recognising teachers’ invaluable role in reproductive education, we are here to complement their efforts and advocate for an inclusive community where girls can confidently manage their menstrual cycles while receiving support from their male counterparts.”

“It is essential to distribute sanitary pads and provide health talks by qualified health practitioners, and it is equally important to involve young boys in this advocacy. When boys have a comprehensive understanding of the female reproductive system, they can be valuable supporters for their sisters, friends, mothers, and future spouses.,” she added.


Samuel Agyekum, Acting Clinical Coordinator and Chairman of the Infection Prevention and Control Committee at the President Medical Center and CEO of Prevenza Health Consult, emphasised the importance of proper menstrual hygiene for girls’ overall health. He stressed that it is crucial for their education and future success and that it’s essential to ensure that no girl misses school due to her period.

After the intervention, Fusieni Alhassan, the Assistant Headmistress Domestic of Vitting Senior High Technical School in Tamale, one of the recipient schools, praised the timeliness of the effort. She thanked the insurance group for selecting the school as a beneficiary. She mentioned that some girls had never seen a sanitary pad before and were thankful for this gesture. Additionally, she advocated for a more comprehensive education package in the future, including family planning.

About Hollard Ghana

The country’s favourite insurance group is Hollard Ghana, with subsidiaries Hollard Insurance and Hollard Life Assurance. The group combines its deep local knowledge of the market, having previously operated in Ghana for 25 years as Metropolitan Insurance, with the world-class expertise of an international insurance brand in 18 countries worldwide. With feet firmly planted on Ghanaian soil but headquartered in South Africa, Hollard delivers innovative insurance solutions customised to the unique risks Ghanaians face. Hollard offers various life and general insurance products, including funeral, personal accident, motor, business, travel, home, and more. Reach Hollard via 0800 444 999. Beyond various nationwide office branches and Hollard 2U franchise shops, Ghanaians can find Hollard at Shell Fuel Station Welcome Shops, Melcom stores and online at, and for all their insurance needs.

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Ghanaian reggae and dancehall artist, Samini, is all set to thrill music fans during the June edition of the popular entertainment event, Live Konnect.

Multiple award-winning recording artist formerly known as Batman, will be performing alongside two of Ghana’s finest live bands, the Greatest Band, and the Groove House Band, on the night.

Set to open the stage for Samini on the night are the Greatest Band who have come to be loved by many music fans in Accra for their dazzling performances.

The Groove House Band, Greatest Band, and Samini appearance at Live Konnect will be held at the Soho Bar, Marina Mall in Accra on June 29, 2024.


The event will be hosted by KOD and promises to be a memorable experience for patrons. Tickets for the event can be purchased by dialing *714*11*26#. Table reservations can also be made via 0550188888/0271000085.

Live Konnect, organized by multiple award-winning Ghanaian Disc Jockey, DJ Mensah, is one of the high-profile entertainment events in Ghana.

Several A-list Ghanaian musicians including Sarkodie, Kwabena Kwabena, Sista Afia, Amerado, Okyeame Kwame, and Mr. Drew, have all performed at Live Konnect over the years, leaving music fans with memorable experiences.

Samini, known in private life as Emmanuel Andrews Sammini, is one of Ghana’s most gifted musicians, renowned for his music genre which is a melodious mixture of high life, dancehall, reggae and hip-hop. Samini,  who has seven commercially successful studio albums to his credit, gained prominence after the release of his first single, ‘Linda’. For Ticket:

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Charger limited CEO, Dr. Emmanuel Bortey Borketey commissions borehole and donates to orphanage to mark his birthday 



Dr. Emmanuel Bortey Borketey, the Chief Executive Officer of Charger Limited, has made a significant impact on the community of Zaari-Kolmasug in the Garu District of the Upper East Region. 


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People & Lifestyle

Urban Greenery: Transforming Toronto Spaces with Professional Landscape Design




Are you dreaming of a picture-perfect outdoor space in Toronto? Landscaping services in Toronto can transform your yard into a stunning oasis. From lush greenery to elegant hardscaping, these professionals have the expertise to bring your vision to life. Imagine enjoying your morning coffee in a beautifully landscaped garden or hosting gatherings on a meticulously designed patio. With landscaping services Toronto, your outdoor space can become a true extension of your home, adding value and beauty to your property.

Urban Greenery Significance

Urban green spaces, such as those provided by landscaping services Toronto, play a crucial role in promoting mental health. Being surrounded by nature has been proven to reduce stress levels and improve overall well-being. Studies have shown that individuals living near green areas experience lower rates of anxiety and depression.


Greenery in cities also offers a peaceful escape from the hustle and bustle of urban life. Parks, gardens, and trees provide a serene environment where people can relax, unwind, and connect with nature. This connection with green spaces has been linked to enhanced mood and increased feelings of happiness among city dwellers.


Air Quality

The design and maintenance of green areas contribute significantly to improving air quality in urban environments. Trees and plants help absorb harmful pollutants, such as carbon dioxide and particulate matter, releasing oxygen into the atmosphere. This process not only cleanses the air but also reduces the risk of respiratory illnesses caused by pollution.


Moreover, green spaces act as natural air filters, trapping dust and absorbing noise pollution. By strategically incorporating greenery into urban landscapes through landscaping projects, cities like Toronto can mitigate the negative effects of air pollution on public health. The presence of vegetation along streets and in parks enhances air quality, making the city a healthier place to live.

Urban Heat Island Effect

Green areas play a vital role in combating the urban heat island effect by providing shade and cooling effects in densely populated cities like Toronto. Trees offer natural shade, reducing surface temperatures and lowering energy consumption for cooling buildings during hot weather. Through effective project planning and implementation of green infrastructure, cities can create cooler microclimates within urban areas.



Vegetation helps regulate temperatures by releasing moisture through a process called evapotranspiration. This natural cooling mechanism helps counteract the heat absorbed by concrete and asphalt surfaces in cities, thereby reducing the overall temperature. By incorporating more green spaces into urban landscapes, Toronto can combat rising temperatures and create a more comfortable environment for its residents.

Landscape Designers Role

Landscape designers play a crucial role in blending aesthetics with functionality to create visually appealing outdoor spaces. They carefully consider elements like color, texture, and layout to enhance the overall design.



A well-designed outdoor space not only looks beautiful but also serves practical purposes. Landscape architects strategically incorporate features like pathways, seating areas, and plantings to ensure the space is both visually pleasing and functional.

Importance of Sustainability

Sustainable practices are integral to modern landscaping design. Landscape designers prioritize using environmentally friendly materials and methods to minimize the impact on the ecosystem. They often integrate elements like rain gardens and native plants to promote biodiversity.

Creating Unique Experiences

Professional landscape designers are adept at creating unique outdoor experiences through their designs. By combining elements such as lighting, hardscaping, and plant selection, they craft spaces that evoke specific moods and cater to the needs of the users.



Designers often draw inspiration from various sources, including nature, architecture, and art, to infuse creativity into their projects. This creative approach results in landscape designs that are not only visually striking but also functional and enjoyable for those who inhabit them.

Greenery Tips for Urban Areas

When it comes to green landscaping in urban settings, opt for low-maintenance plants that thrive in city environments. Consider plants like succulents, ornamental grasses, and native species known for their resilience.

Selecting plants that require minimal care is essential for busy urban dwellers. 



Low-maintenance plants not only survive well in urban conditions but also add a touch of greenery without demanding constant attention. These plants are perfect for urban gardens and contemporary urban gardens due to their adaptability.

Vertical Gardening

Explore vertical gardening ideas to make the most of limited space in urban areas. Utilize walls, trellises, and hanging planters to create a beautiful landscape even in a small urban setting. Vertical gardens are a creative way to incorporate greenery into tight spaces.

Vertical gardening is a practical solution for those living in apartments or homes with limited outdoor space. By going vertical, you can grow a variety of plants, including herbs, flowers, and even small vegetables. This approach not only maximizes space but also adds visual interest to your urban rooftop garden.

Water-Efficient Landscaping

Incorporate sustainable landscape practices by implementing water-efficient techniques in your urban garden. Choose drought-tolerant plants that require minimal watering, such as lavender, yucca, or sedum. Mulching around plants helps retain moisture and reduce water usage.



Water-efficient landscaping is crucial in urban areas where water resources may be limited. By selecting plants that thrive with less water, you can create a lush garden while conserving this valuable resource. Consider installing a drip irrigation system to deliver water directly to the roots of your plants, minimizing wastage.

Adapting Designs to Climate

The design of buildings should be adapted to suit the climate they are in. Here are some key considerations:

  • Use materials that can withstand extreme temperatures and weather conditions.
  • Ensure proper insulation to regulate indoor temperature.;
  • Incorporate natural ventilation to reduce the need for artificial cooling or heating.
  • Utilize shading devices to block direct sunlight and prevent overheating.
  • Implement green roofs or walls to absorb heat and improve insulation.


Adapting designs to climate is crucial for creating sustainable and comfortable living spaces.

Reflecting Cultural Diversity

Landscaping services Toronto can tailor designs to reflect various cultural influences, showcasing diversity in outdoor spaces. One way to achieve this is by incorporating indigenous plants that celebrate local heritage. By using native flora, landscapers pay homage to the land’s history and create a connection to the community’s roots.

Integrating Cultural Elements

Incorporating cultural elements into landscape designs adds a unique touch that resonates with different ethnic backgrounds. This integration goes beyond aesthetics; it nurtures a sense of belonging and appreciation for diverse traditions. For instance, including features like traditional statues, water elements, or architectural styles can evoke a sense of familiarity and comfort for residents from various cultural backgrounds.

Embracing Diversity Through Consultation

Effective landscaping that reflects cultural diversity requires sophistication and attention to detail. Landscapers engage in thorough consultation processes to understand the vision and preferences of clients from different cultural backgrounds. This collaborative approach ensures that the final design not only meets aesthetic standards but also aligns with the client’s values and ideas.


Overcoming Challenges with Creativity

While incorporating cultural diversity into landscaping poses challenges, such as balancing different preferences and styles, it also presents an opportunity for creativity. Landscapers can use these challenges as a way to push boundaries and explore innovative solutions that harmoniously blend various cultural influences. 


By embracing these challenges, landscaping services toronto can create truly unique outdoor spaces that reflect the importance of cultural diversity.

Final Remarks

In a bustling city like Toronto, incorporating green spaces into urban landscapes is vital to landscaping services toronto. By working with skilled landscape designers, you can create outdoor areas that not only beautify but also enhance your well-being. Consider climate-friendly designs that reflect the diverse cultural tapestry of the city, integrating nature elements seamlessly into your surroundings. Personalizing these urban spaces will not only increase property value but also provide a sanctuary amidst the urban chaos. Remember, embracing greenery in your urban environment is not just a trend but a sustainable lifestyle choice for a healthier and more vibrant city.


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Enhancing Your Home’s Natural Light



Ready to upgrade your space with a fresh look? Windows installation can be the key to transforming your home’s ambiance. Say goodbye to outdated styles and welcome a modern touch that enhances both aesthetics and functionality. Whether it’s for energy efficiency, improved natural light, or simply a new vibe, installing new windows can make a significant difference. But where do you start? Let’s delve into the world of windows installation, exploring tips, trends, and everything you need to know to elevate your living space effortlessly.

Understanding Natural Light Benefits

Natural light is essential for our well-being as it provides vitamin D, which helps in maintaining healthy bones and boosting the immune system. Exposure to natural light can also regulate our circadian rhythm, improving sleep quality and reducing the risk of depression.


Maximizing natural light flow in indoor spaces can lead to a significant improvement in overall health. It has been linked to reducing eye strain and headaches caused by artificial lighting, creating a more comfortable environment for occupants.


Mood and Productivity

The presence of natural light can have a profound impact on our mood and productivity levels. Studies have shown that exposure to daylight can enhance mood and increase happiness among individuals. Natural light promotes alertness and focus, leading to higher productivity levels in various settings.


By allowing natural light to enter workspaces, schools, and homes, individuals can experience improved mental well-being and increased motivation. This can result in better performance in tasks, enhanced creativity, and a more positive outlook on daily activities.

Energy-Saving Advantages

One of the most significant advantages of maximizing natural light is its potential for energy savings. By harnessing daylight effectively, buildings can reduce their reliance on artificial lighting sources during the day. This not only decreases electricity consumption but also contributes to lower utility bills and reduced carbon emissions.



Incorporating large windows, skylights, or light tubes in building designs can optimize natural light flow and minimize the need for artificial lighting. This sustainable approach not only benefits the environment but also enhances the overall aesthetics of the space, creating a visually appealing and inviting atmosphere.

Assessing Your Space for Light

When assessing your space for lighting, start by determining the orientation of your windows. South-facing windows receive the most external light throughout the day, providing ample natural light for your space. On the other hand, north-facing windows tend to receive less direct sunlight and might require additional artificial light sources.

Size and Placement

Consider the size and placement of windows in each room to optimize task lighting. Larger windows allow more natural light to enter, brightening up the room. Placing windows strategically can also help distribute light evenly, reducing the need for excessive artificial light usage during the day.



Evaluate potential obstructions that may hinder natural light entry into your space. Trees, buildings, or structures outside your windows can block external light, leading to a dark and gloomy interior. Ensuring that there are no obstacles blocking the windows will enhance the overall energy efficiency of your space by maximizing natural light.

Window Installation and Upgrades

Modern window replacement techniques focus on efficiency, utilizing advanced tools and methods for precise installation. Installers often use laser levels to ensure accurate placement of replacement windows.

  • Foam insulation creates airtight seals around windows.;
  • Proper sealing is crucial for energy efficiency and comfort.;
  • Adequate sealing contributes to soundproofing and reduces external noise infiltration.


When considering window design for upgrades, homeowners can choose from a variety of energy-efficient options.



You can find out more on our website:

Choosing Light Window Treatments

Select sheer curtains or blinds to allow maximum light penetration. These treatments are perfect for spaces where you want to maximize natural light without compromising privacy. Sheer curtains come in various styles, patterns, and colors, making them a versatile option for different interior designs.

Light Colors

Opt for light-colored window treatments to enhance brightness in your space. Light hues such as white, cream, or pastel shades can reflect light effectively, creating an illusion of a larger and brighter room. Light-colored window treatments can also complement various decor styles, from minimalist to traditional.


Adjustable Options

Consider adjustable window treatments to control light intensity throughout the day. Options like solar shades or blinds with adjustable slats allow you to regulate the amount of light entering your room. This flexibility is ideal for rooms that receive direct sunlight at certain times, helping you maintain a comfortable ambiance.


Incorporating these quality window choices not only enhances the aesthetics of your space but also improves its functionality by optimizing natural light utilization. By choosing the right window treatments, you can create a cozy and inviting atmosphere while benefiting from the beauty of natural light.

Painting for Brightness

Choose light and reflective paint colors to amplify natural light in your space. Opt for shades like white or pastel tones that can enhance overall brightness and create an airy atmosphere. These colors work well to maximize extra illumination and make your room feel more spacious.


Experiment with Finishes

Experiment with different paint finishes such as gloss paint to increase the level of glossiness in your room. Glossy finishes are known for their ability to reflect light, adding a touch of luminosity to your walls. By selecting the right finish, you can effectively boost the brightness in any room.

Color Psychology

Incorporate color psychology into your painting choices to impact mood and energy levels in your space. Certain colors can evoke specific emotions, influencing the overall ton and atmosphere of a room. For instance, using vibrant hues like yellow or orange can bring a sense of warmth and vitality, while cooler tones like blue promote a calming effect.

Professional Advice

Consult with painting experts or interior designers to get insights on how to use color effectively in your home. These professionals can provide guidance on selecting the right hues to enhance productivity and create a harmonious design scheme. Their expertise can help you transform your living space into a place that not only looks beautiful but also promotes a positive ambiance.

Reflective Decor Strategies

Incorporate mirrors strategically to bounce light around the room. Placing mirrors opposite windows can amplify natural light, making the space appear brighter and more spacious. Hanging mirrors in dark corners can help reflect light into those areas, brightening up the room.


Metallic Accents

Integrate metallic accents into your decor to add reflective surfaces that enhance the light in the room. Items like metallic frames, lamps, or decorative objects can catch and reflect light, creating a luminous effect. These accents can be subtle yet effective in boosting the overall brightness of the space.

Glass and Acrylic Decor Pieces

Use glass and acrylic decor pieces to further enhance light diffusion in your room. These materials have light-reflecting properties that can make the space feel airier and more illuminated. Consider incorporating glass coffee tables, acrylic chairs, or glass vases to introduce a modern touch while maximizing light reflection.

Closing Thoughts

Incorporating natural light into your space through strategic window installation, treatments, and decor can transform your rooms into bright, inviting sanctuaries. By maximizing sunlight, you enhance the ambiance and functionality of your home, creating a welcoming environment that uplifts your mood and productivity. Assessing your space for light possibilities and implementing simple upgrades can make a significant difference in how you experience and enjoy your living areas.



Now that you have insights on optimizing natural light in your home, take action by evaluating your space, considering window upgrades, and experimenting with light-enhancing decor. Small changes can have a big impact on how you feel in your surroundings. Embrace the power of natural light to elevate your living spaces and enrich your daily life.

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People & Lifestyle

Keep Divorce Private: Why Do You Need It? 



“Of course I believe in love despite four divorces. There is nobody who doesn’t believe in love. But marriage – that fits some people but obviously not me.” 

Sean Bean 


Protecting Children from Emotional Stress


When pursuing a Nevada online divorce, it’s important to also create a stable and supportive environment to help children navigate this difficult time. This involves setting up consistent routines and expectations between both households, if possible. Open conversations where children feel safe to express their feelings and concerns about the divorce without fear of judgment or causing further conflict are vital. Professional support from therapists or counselors who specialize in family dynamics can be beneficial not only for the children but for the parents as well. These steps, taken together, form a comprehensive approach toward minimizing the emotional stress on children during a divorce, fostering resilience, and promoting a sense of normalcy amidst change.


Safeguarding Personal and Financial Information

When considering how to keep divorce records private, ensure that physical copies of financial documents and personal records are stored securely, such as in a locked filing cabinet or a safety deposit box at a bank. When sharing information with legal representatives or financial institutions, verify the legitimacy of the request and the security of the transmission method. It’s also advisable to maintain an inventory of shared assets and liabilities, update passwords, and remove former spouses from accounts where necessary. By taking these measures, individuals can protect their privacy and financial integrity during a divorce, laying down a foundation for rebuilding their lives post-divorce without added stress from compromised personal information.





Maintaining Professional Reputation

Another aspect to consider is the use of social media and other public forums when discussing aspects of one’s private life, including divorce. Adopting a restraint policy can prevent inadvertent damage to your professional image. Before sharing any information online, consider how it might be perceived by colleagues, clients, or potential employers. Engaging in discussions or support groups about how to have a private, confidential divorce can offer valuable insights and strategies for navigating the process discreetly. By prioritizing confidentiality and professionalism, individuals can safeguard their careers and reputations during what is often a tumultuous personal challenge.



Controlling the Narrative of the Divorce

Understanding what is a private divorce involves knowing how to keep divorce records confidential and controlling the narrative legally. In certain jurisdictions, it’s feasible to seal specific documents or request redaction of sensitive information from public records. Seeking advice from a legal expert well-versed in these procedures can offer clarity on protective measures within legal boundaries. Collaborating closely with your attorney to draft filings that are factual yet avoid unnecessary details can safeguard personal matters from becoming public knowledge.

When communicating about your divorce, whether in social settings or professional environments, be conscious of the tone and language used. Emphasize moving forward positively rather than dwelling on past grievances. Projecting resilience and optimism not only aids in managing your own emotional well-being but also shapes how others view your journey through divorce. By taking these proactive measures to control the narrative, you safeguard your privacy while navigating toward a new chapter in life.



Minimizing Conflict and Facilitating Amicable Settlements

Ensuring clear and unambiguous documentation of agreements reached during negotiations is essential to keep divorce private. This practice minimizes misunderstandings and establishes a firm foundation for future interactions after the divorce. It’s also advantageous to set boundaries regarding new partners or major life changes to prevent unnecessary conflicts. By employing these strategies, both parties can collaborate towards reaching a settlement that honors their shared history and individual paths forward. This approach not only upholds personal dignity but also sets a constructive precedent for any children involved, showing that resolution is possible even during difficult times.



Preserving Relationships with Mutual Friends and Family

Respecting the need to keep divorce private involves refraining from using mutual acquaintances as messengers or sources of information about the other party. Instead, concentrate on cultivating individual relationships grounded in shared interests and positive interactions, rather than past associations. Introducing new traditions or modes of connection can further underscore the significance of these relationships beyond the marital context. This thoughtful approach to social interactions helps maintain meaningful connections with individuals who have been part of your life, ensuring that support systems remain intact for all parties involved.





Reducing Public Scrutiny and Media Attention

Engaging in negotiations and discussions away from the public gaze is instrumental in minimizing external pressures that can complicate the divorce process. Opting for mediation or collaborative law as alternatives to court proceedings can also significantly reduce the likelihood of attracting media attention. Such methods not only underscore the commitment to handling personal affairs privately but also demonstrate a cooperative effort to resolve issues amicably. By taking proactive steps to limit exposure, individuals can navigate through their divorce with dignity intact, shielding themselves and their loved ones from unnecessary public scrutiny and preserving their well-being during this challenging time.

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