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A Tram and Theme Park experience of Casablanca



Casablanca is the largest city of Morocco and it was a pleasure visiting again and taking in the magnificence of the city. It was more of a pass through for us as we stopped and experienced the city on our way to Marrakech from Rabat.

Casablanca is the cosmopolitan, industrial and economic heart of Morocco. It is a city where history and modernity meet with fabulous architecture from different eras.

The experience in Casablanca started with a meeting at the Association Marocaine des Exporteurs (ASMEX), where we got updated on the opportunities that exist for trade and export between Ghana and Morocco. It was interesting to note that although business between the two countries have been slow in that regard, there has been some improvements in the last few years due to new relations between the Governments of  Ghana and Morocco.


From ASMEX, we walked through town a little and made our way onto a close by tram station. The Casablanca Tramway is the second modern tram system in Morocco, after the Rabat-Salé tramway, but is longer and has more stations.

It was first inaugurated by King Muhammad VI in 2012. A second line was opened in 2019. Ticket prices are subsidized by the Moroccan government and the city of Casablanca and set at a flat rate of 6 dirhams per journey. Students get a reduced monthly season ticket as well.

We used the tram to make our way to Sindibad Parc, a theme park, named after the Middle Eastern fictional hero Sinbad. There is a solid choice of rides and seasonal attractions, as well as a zoo with some African animals.

We ended the short trip to Casablanca with dinner at Bamboo Africa restaurant, a Senegalese restaurant where we tried Senegalese jollof among other things. There was also some fun live music for our entertainment.


Stay tuned for my very fun trip to Marakech

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