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Captain Smart and Kofi Adomah Nwanwani officially join Angel Broadcasting Network



The Angel Broadcasting Network has officially announced their new on-air personalities and program lineup for the second half of the year.

After weeks of speculations, it has officially been announced by the C.E.O of the Angel Broadcasting Network (ABN), Samuel Bronzy Teflon that former ADOM FM on-air personalities Kofi Adoma and Captain Smart have joined his media organization.

Taking to social media, the CEO shared the various programs and positions to be held by their new recruits.


Kofi Adoma and Captain Smart joins the likes of Kwadwo Dickson, Saddick Adams, Ohemaa Woyeje, Prophet Johnson Adu Boahen, Kwame B and others at the growing media organization.

Captain Smart resigns from the Multimedia Group Limited, sent off in grand style

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