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Corey Jacobs empowers Ghana with solar security systems



Founder and CEO of the Lifestyle Brand, Winnergy LLC, Corey S. Jacobs in partnership with Rufai Kasim, has set up the Carlo Van Security company to empower the security sector in Africa.
According to Corey Jacobs, coming to impact Africa with businesses and charity projects is a fulfilment to his father’s wish.
Speaking in a recent interview, he revealed that, his father who is from West Africa, Sierra Leone always tells him, to come to Africa, “Make sure you go home to the motherland to see your people to do great things.”.

True to his father’s words, Corey is on his second time in Ghana, Africa, impacting lives with his charity project; he visited and donated to flood victims in the Volta Region and also visited prisons to donate and shared some wealth of knowledge to the inmates.

Mr Jacobs as part of impacting and empowering Africa has co-founded the Carlo Van Security company, an initiative aimed at enhancing security and promoting sustainable energy, Corey Jacobs, a renowned entrepreneur and innovator, has introduced state-of-the-art solar security systems to Ghana.

He revealed that, Carlo Van Security was established after his business partner and director at Carlo Van Security, Rufai Kasim had a horrific experience with armed robbers in 2019, the robbery was a result of a set-up between a friend and the robbers. The result of his experience – Carlo Van – could be explained with the popular expression, “necessity is the mother of inventions”.
“I remember I was in Ghana in 2019 to purchase a house for American comedian Michael Blankson, but a friend of mine set me up for armed robbers. Luckily for me, I had paid for the house, so they only made away with my clothes and other stuff… I remember how I stood helpless while they took my valuables,” he recounted.
The robbers managed to take away more than physical possessions but left Kasoim needing psychiatric attention.
“After that horrific experience, I suffered Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) which was difficult to deal with. So I decided to do something positive with my situation,” he said.
Out of his pain, Kasim developed a wireless security panel and a door sensor that calls the police and other emergency contacts when an intruder is detected.
“I made a wireless panel because there have been times where the robbers are able to cut through the wires and break in. I also added a motion detector that will trigger an in-built siren to wail,” he disclosed.
“The panel also has a two-way audio slot that can be connected to the [homeowner’s] phone”.The camera has a night vision and rechargeable batteries, which means that it can function even when there are lights off,” he said in an interview.


The solar security systems introduced by Jacobs and Rufai offer a myriad of benefits, combining cutting-edge technology with sustainable energy sources. These systems are equipped with high-resolution cameras, security door bell, fire extinguisher, motion sensors, and real-time monitoring capabilities, ensuring comprehensive security coverage. By harnessing solar energy, which provides a cost-effective and eco-friendly alternative to traditional security systems, often relying on inconsistent and costly power supplies.
In an interview with one of the co-founders, Rufai Kasim, Carlo Van Security’s success is their commitment to continuous research and development. The company stays ahead of emerging threats and technological advancements, they are able to offer clients the latest and most effective security solutions tailored to their specific needs.
“We believe that security is not just about reacting to threats but proactively preventing them, our goal is to empower homeowners and businesses with advanced tools and strategies that create a safe and secure environment.” He spoke.

Carlo Van Security is renowned for their integrated smart home and business security systems. These systems combine cutting-edge technology such as artificial intelligence, facial recognition, and motion sensors to provide comprehensive protection against intrusions, theft, and other security risks.

The brand’s commitment to customer satisfaction is evident in their personalized approach to security solutions. They work closely with clients to assess their unique security needs and customize systems that offer mawximum protection while ensuring ease of use and accessibility.
“We understand that every home and business is different, and that’s why we take a tailored approach to security, our goal is to provide peace of mind so that our clients can focus on what matters most to them.”
Beyond technological innovation, Carlo Van Security also prioritizes sustainability and environmental responsibility. Their systems are designed to minimize energy consumption with solar energy while maximizing efficiency, contributing to a greener and more sustainable future.

About Corey Jacobs


Corey S. Jacobs, CEO and Founder of the Lifestyle Brand Winnergy LLC, focuses on unlocking the winner’s mindset and unstoppable energy in everyone.

Corey brings a wealth of knowledge in marketing and business strategy along with a keen eye for identifying opportunities and nurturing innovation. Corey’s unique and highly sought-after repertoire spans digital and broadcast media, creative development, talent acquisition, and management.

In 2016, Corey was granted clemency by President Barack Obama and immediately became a driving force of transformative change throughout the criminal justice system. Corey is on a mission as a social justice warrior to enact critical, long-overdue changes for those who have been historically marginalized. More importantly, Corey is a powerful voice with an equally powerful mantra — “You can’t cage determination.”

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Beyond the Scroll: Fun and Engaging Activities for Your Mobile



Our phones are constant companions, portals to information and entertainment. But let’s be honest, sometimes we fall into a mindless scrolling vortex. If you’re looking to break free and have some genuine fun with your mobile device, then this article is for you! We’re diving into a variety of engaging activities that will keep you entertained, informed, or even productive, all from the palm of your hand.

Remember you need to be 18+ to gamble within the UK and please feel free to visit for information on how to gamble safely.

Take a Spin on Free Slots (Responsibly!)

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Brain Games and Puzzles:

Want to give your cognitive muscles a workout? There’s a vast library of brain games and puzzles available for mobile devices. From classics like Sudoku and crosswords to word association challenges and logic puzzles, there’s something for everyone. These games can help improve memory, focus, and problem-solving skills, all while keeping you entertained.

Become a Citizen Scientist:

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Learn a New Skill (or Language!)

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Explore the World Through Virtual Tours:

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Get Creative with Photography and Editing:

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Rekindle Your Love of Reading:

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Become a Social Media Mastermind:

Social media platforms are more than just a way to connect with friends and family. They can be powerful tools for learning, self-expression, and even building a community. Dive into the world of social media marketing by learning effective content creation strategies, mastering the art of storytelling, and engaging with your audience in meaningful ways.

Embrace the Power of Podcasts:

Podcasts offer a wealth of audio entertainment and information. From true crime investigations to in-depth discussions on your favourite hobbies, there’s a podcast out there for everyone. Listen to podcasts while commuting, working out, or doing chores.


Get Active with Fitness Apps:

Looking to get in shape or maintain a healthy lifestyle? Fitness apps can be your perfect workout companion. They offer a variety of guided workouts, personalized fitness plans, and even track your progress over time. Many apps are free to use, so you can get started on your fitness journey without breaking the bank.

These are just a few ideas to get you started. With a little creativity, you can transform your mobile phone from a mindless distraction into a tool for fun, learning, and self-improvement. So, put down the endless scroll, pick up your phone, and explore the world of possibilities that awaits!

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People & Lifestyle

Travel Tips from Ghanaian Emirates Cabin Crew Daniel Kumevor



Travel Tips from Ghanaian Emirates Cabin Crew Daniel Kumevor

Daniel Kumevor, a proud Ghanaian and Emirates cabin crew member with over a decade of experience, shares his top travel tips from packing smart to staying hydrated on long flights. Whether you are dreaming of a career in the skies or just looking for travel tips, these tips are sure to be helpful.

Packing Light and Smart

What are your top three hacks for packing light yet stylish clothing that can handle any weather?

  • Choose versatile clothing: Opt for items that can be worn in different ways, such as cardigans or stylish sarongs that can double as skirts or dresses.
  • Mix and match: Pack clothing that can easily be mixed and matched. Use accessories like stylish hats or belts to enhance your look.
  • Plan ahead: Base your wardrobe choices on the destination you’ll be visiting.

How do you create a travel wardrobe that’s both chic and practical for jet-setting around the world?

  • Keep the colours simple and create a wardrobe that can be mixed and matched for any weather situation.

Any unexpected items that you always pack that have turned out to be lifesavers?

  • A mini bag that wraps around the chest, which I purchased in Barcelona. It helps keep my belongings safe and organized.

Staying Hydrated and Energized

What are your go-to tips for staying hydrated on long flights?

  • Avoid salty foods and drink plenty of water and refreshing beverages during the flight to prevent dehydration.

How do you adjust your sleep schedule to beat jet lag and stay energized?

  • Go for walks in the sunlight to adjust your body clock and boost energy. Stay hydrated, eat nutritious food, and maintain a regular workout routine.

Any secret in-flight exercises or natural remedies to share?

  • Peppermint tea aids digestion and is caffeine-free.

What’s your favourite in-flight snack to stay energized?

  • A handful of roasted nuts keeps me energized for hours.

Ghanaian Hospitality in the Skies

How do you bring the famous Ghanaian warmth and hospitality to your passengers?

  • Offer a warm welcome with a genuine smile from boarding throughout the flight, along with genuine assistance.

Can you share an interesting time when you made someone’s flight extra special?

  • Taking care of an elderly lady on a flight from Dubai to Dar es Salaam who could not eat by herself due to health reasons. Her gratitude and blessings have stayed with me.

Mini Layover Adventures

How do you turn short layovers into exciting mini-adventures?

  • Plan and bond with colleagues to create memorable mini-adventures after landing.

What’s the coolest thing you have done during a layover?

  • I have visited iconic sites such as The Acropolis, The Colosseum, The Eiffel Tower, The Great Wall of China, and more.

What’s your funniest travel mishap during a layover?

  • Forgetting to pack winter clothes and sneakers for a layover in Zurich, I laughed at myself and just stayed at the hotel enjoyed their hospitality.

Budgeting Like a Pro

What are your top tips for managing money while living the fabulous cabin crew lifestyle?

  • A top tip is to budget a specific amount each month for savings and emergencies. Thankfully, Emirates provides accommodation, transportation, and layover expenses, allowing crew members to spend their money as preferred. 

Travel First Aid Must-Haves

What essential items are always in your travel first aid kit?

  • In my travel first aid kit, I always carry an inhaler for altitude changes and pain relief medications.

Have you ever had to use your first aid kit in an unexpected situation?

  • Yes, I had to use my first aid kit for medication during a case of food poisoning in Bali.

Long Flight Comforts

What are your must-have items to stay comfy on long flights?

  • My must-have items are noise-cancelling headphones and earplugs for a comfortable sleep/rest.

Any tips for staying fresh and rested during long-haul flights?

  • I recommend using a face spray with natural ingredients to hydrate the face and a hand lotion with relaxing oils.

Language Tools for World Travelers

Which language apps or tools are your favourites for connecting with locals in new countries?

  • My favourite language app is the “TRANSLATE” app on my company-provided iPad. I also like to research the destination’s language and attractions beforehand.

How do you handle communication barriers with passengers who speak different languages?

  • With over 140 nationalities in the cabin crew community, there is usually someone who speaks the language of the specific route and can assist with translation.

Travel-Friendly Beauty Secrets

Do you have any tips for hairstyles or skincare that survive even the longest journeys?

  • My tip is to hydrate your skin before the flight using Shea butter from Ghana.

Handling Travel Surprises

How do you stay calm and collected when travel plans change unexpectedly?

  • I stay calm and collected by remaining positive and open to new challenges, seeing every situation as an opportunity for growth.

Showcasing Diversity and Inclusivity

As a male cabin crew member, how do you bring your unique touch to the team?

  • I bring humour, elegance, gentleness, and assurance of safety and security both on the ground and in the skies.

How does Emirates support and encourage a diverse and inclusive team?

  • Emirates has over 22,000 cabin crew members who speak more than 70 languages, promoting diversity and inclusivity.

Can you share a moment when you felt proud to represent Ghana and showcase its culture on an international stage?

  • I felt proud to represent Ghana on the historic EK 787 flight on October 2, 2018, when Emirates’ A380 landed in Accra. I felt extremely proud of my heritage.

What advice would you give to other men considering a career as cabin crew?

  • Regardless of gender, being a cabin crew member in Emirates is an eye-opening career, and the iconic uniform will bring out elegance in you. 

What advice do you have for Ghanaians who are considering a career as cabin crew with Emirates? 

  • You have made a great decision by choosing this career path with one of the best airlines. “I can’t wait to meet you in the skies very soon,” says Daniel.

Are you ready to take flight? 

Explore the world, and showcase the Ghanaian spirit of hospitality like Daniel! Emirates Airlines is currently recruiting passionate and service-oriented individuals like YOU to join their cabin crew! Apply now at [Emirates Group Careers] (  and embark on an unforgettable career journey!

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People & Lifestyle

Beauty Guru and Top Design Expert Throw it Down in the Kitchen



Cooking With GameChangers returns for Episode 6 with a fierce battle for the Ultimate GameChanger title.
In this episode, Ngozi Ezeka-Atta, a professional aesthetician, and Jacqueline Aki, an experienced interior design expert, compete for the coveted title. Rustling up a meal of boiled yam, peppered sauce and fried chicken.
The stylish women take on the role and go all out! Daniel Etim Effiong remains your ever-vivacious show host and our guest judge on this episode is award-winning singer, Waje. Resident judges Kaffy and Captain Toba are also on ground to give the final verdict on who will win this episode of Cooking with GameChangers.
Who will win this episode? Watch now!
Ngozi Ezeka-Atta is a professional aesthetician and the founder of Jaga Beauty while Jacqueline Aki is a professional interior designer and Managing Partner at James Cubitt Interiors where she oversees interior design for commercial and large-scale residential projects.
Follow a day in each of their lives as they cook up a storm in the Cooking with GameChangers kitchen.
Follow a day in the life of each of these amazing GameChangers via the links below:
Cooking with GameChangers follows a day in the life of a top corporate executive and entrepreneur who ends up in the Cooking with GameChangers kitchen for a cook-off supervised/judged by celebrity host, Daniel Etim-Effiong and judges M.I Abaga, Kaffy, and Captain Toba.
Cooking with GameChangers is a spinoff of Nigeria’s most syndicated talk show, “Binging With GameChangers” which garners over 60 million monthly viewers and airs on TV stations nationwide.
Subscribe on YouTube: @B2GNetwork
Watch the show every weekend on TV stations nationwide.
See show schedule:
NTA Network: Saturdays at 10.30 AM
Silverbird: Saturdays at 1.30 PM
Views Channel: Saturdays 6:30 PM; Repeat: Mondays at 9:30 PM; Wednesdays at 9 PM
Africa Magic Family: Sundays at 3.30 PM: Repeat: Wednesdays at 1.30 PM
TVC: Sundays at 5.30 PM NTA2: Sundays at 5.30PM
Wazobia Max: Sundays at 5.30 PM; Repeat Mondays at 7 PM
Wazobia TV: Sundays at 5.30 PM; Repeat: Mondays at 7 PM
LinkedIn: @CookingwithGameChangers
 Cooking with GameChangers is proudly supported by Power Oil, 2Sure and Aquafina.
 Media Partners: BellaNaija, and Ameyaw Debrah.
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People & Lifestyle

How to Assess and Mitigate the Environmental Impact of Using Drones in Agriculture



How to Assess and Mitigate the Environmental Impact of Using Drones in Agriculture

Drones have revolutionized farming practices, offering precision and efficiency in input application, monitoring, and data collection. By using advanced technologies, drones enable farmers to optimize crop management, reduce waste, and enhance yields. However, the increasing adoption of drones in agriculture also raises important environmental concerns. 

As the use of drones grows, it is essential to address their potential environmental impacts, such as energy consumption, noise pollution, and e-waste generation. By understanding and mitigating these effects, farmers can harness the benefits of drone technology while promoting sustainable agriculture and minimizing harm to the environment.

What is The Environmental Impact of Using Drones in Agriculture?

The use of drones in agriculture has both benefits and drawbacks. While enhancing efficiency and precision, they contribute to greenhouse gas emissions and energy consumption, disturb wildlife, and risk chemical spillage and drift when spraying pesticides and fertilizers. Despite a smaller carbon footprint than traditional machinery, their cumulative impact can be significant, harming the environment and posing health risks to humans and animals. 


A 2023 study by the National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) within the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) found that farms integrating drone technology with sustainable practices like optimized flight routes and electric drones reported a 25% reduction in their overall environmental impression compared to traditional methods.

As drone usage grows, it’s important to address these concerns through sustainable practices, such as using electric drones, minimizing flights, and integrating environmental monitoring, to ensure that the benefits of drone technology are realized without compromising environmental sustainability.

What Are the Environmental Consequences of Using Drones?

The increasing use of drones in various industries, including agriculture, construction, and package delivery, has raised concerns about their potential environmental impact. While drones offer many benefits, such as increased efficiency and reduced costs, their use also has environmental consequences that cannot be ignored.


Conducting Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA)

An Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) evaluates the potential environmental effects of drone usage in agriculture, identifying and quantifying impacts, and developing mitigation strategies. The process includes a baseline study, impact prediction, mitigation measures, and monitoring and reporting, ensuring sustainable drone operations and minimizing environmental harm.

Monitoring Emissions and Energy Use

Regularly monitor and record the emissions and energy consumption of drones. This data can be used to compare the environmental impact of drone use against traditional methods and to identify areas for improvement.


Wildlife Monitoring

Use drones equipped with cameras and sensors to monitor wildlife in areas where drones are deployed. This can help identify any disturbances and adapt drone usage to minimize impact.

 How to Mitigate the Environmental Impact of Drones in Agriculture?

The increasing use of drones in agriculture raises concerns about their environmental impact. To minimize harm and maximize sustainability, farmers and drone operators can take several steps:


Selecting Eco-Friendly Drones

Choosing drones designed with environmental considerations in mind can significantly reduce their impact. For instance, the DJI Agras T50 is designed to optimize efficiency while minimizing environmental damage, making it a suitable choice for eco-conscious farmers.

Sustainable Energy Sources

Power drones with renewable energy sources, such as solar-powered charging stations, to reduce reliance on fossil fuels and decrease greenhouse gas emissions.


Precision Application Techniques

Use advanced technologies like variable rate application (VRA) to ensure precise application of inputs. This reduces the quantity of chemicals used and minimizes the risk of spillage and drift.

Implementing Buffer Zones

Establish buffer zones around sensitive areas, such as water bodies and wildlife habitats, to prevent contamination and disturbance from drone operations.


Noise Reduction Strategies

Equip drones with noise-reduction technologies and operate them at times that are least likely to disturb wildlife, such as during midday when many animals are less active.

How Can Drones Be Used Sustainably in Agriculture?

The use of drones in agriculture has the potential to revolutionize the industry, but it’s important to consider the environmental impact of this technology. Sustainable drone use in agriculture is important to minimize harm and maximize benefits. Here are some ways drones can be used sustainably:


Training and Education

Educate farmers and drone operators on the environmental impacts of drones and train them in best practices to mitigate these effects. This includes proper handling of chemicals, understanding flight paths to avoid sensitive areas, and maintaining equipment to prevent leaks and malfunctions.


Integrated Pest Management (IPM)

Combine drone technology with Integrated Pest Management (IPM) strategies to reduce the reliance on chemical pesticides. Drones can be used for monitoring pest populations and applying biological control agents.


Regular Maintenance and Upgrades

Ensure drones are regularly maintained and upgraded to the latest models that offer improved efficiency and reduced environmental impact. This can include software updates for better flight planning and hardware upgrades for lower emissions.

Future Trends and Innovations in Sustainable Drone Use

Future trends and innovations in sustainable drone use include integrating AI and machine learning to enhance precision and efficiency, analyzing data to optimize input applications, and reducing waste. Autonomous drones capable of real-time decision-making can minimize human error and environmental impact, adapting flight paths and application rates based on real-time data. 


Collaborative efforts between technology developers, farmers, and environmental organizations will drive the development of more sustainable drone technologies, ensuring a positive impact on both agricultural productivity and environmental sustainability.


How do drones contribute to sustainable agriculture?

Drones contribute to sustainable agriculture by enabling precision input application, reducing the use of chemicals, and improving resource management. They also facilitate better monitoring and data collection, which helps in making informed decisions.


What are the environmental concerns associated with using drones in agriculture?

Environmental concerns include emissions and energy consumption, wildlife disturbance, and the risk of chemical spillage and drift. It is important to assess and mitigate these impacts to ensure sustainable drone use.


Involving drones in agriculture offers excellent potential for improving efficiency and productivity. However, it is essential to assess and reduce their environmental impact to ensure sustainable farming practices. By conducting thorough environmental assessments, selecting eco-friendly drones, and implementing best practices for sustainable use, farmers can harness the benefits of drone technology while protecting the environment. Continuous innovation and collaboration will be key to achieving a balance between technological advancement and environmental management.

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People & Lifestyle

Johnnie Walker Ghana celebrates Ghanaian global bartender champion Survaiva Benjamin Donkor



Johnnie Walker Ghana celebrates Survaiva Benjamin Donkor,a Ghanaian Senior  bartender at Tribeca Restaurant on his success in the Black Label Global Bartender Challenge for the Africa Region. (more…)

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People & Lifestyle

Exploring the Exciting Fusion of Movies and Gambling



Placing bets has always delighted movie audiences with its mix of risk and reward. Films about high-stakes betting are thrilling because they show the excitement of winning big as well as the danger of losing. This guide looks at famous movies and what they tell us about this exciting blend of cinema and gambling.


Iconic Casino Movies

Many iconic films in modern history have centred around the gambling industry. This has left an impression on popular culture. ‘Casino’ (1995) perfectly captured the Las Vegas casino scene in the 1970s and 80s. It explored the intricate operations of casinos during that time. 

Another high point is ‘Rounders’ (1998), which focused on poker. From the release date, this movie has attracted a rather large following and, to date, remains fans’ favourite due to its realism. While these are entertainment films, they bring out the mix of strategy, psychology, and luck that defines modern gamblers’ experience.



Exploring the Risk, Reward, and the Psychological Aspects of Gambling

Every casino movie describes the risks versus rewards of wagering. This theme resonates with audiences since it runs through the elementary human experience. Everyone can relate to the excitement of taking a risk, waiting for the result, and the joy or disappointment of winning or losing, respectively.

These film shows also describe the psychological aspects of betting. They often portray characters driven by an insatiable desire to win, even at the cost of losing everything. A closer look at these actors reveals a gambler’s fallacy: the rational calculation of odds vs. the unrealistic hope to win big.

These elements are what make these films so compelling. They reveal the emotional roller-coaster that real gamblers face daily. As viewers watch them at cinemas, they are engaged and invested in the characters’ journey through the gaming landscape.



How Films Romanticise and Accurately Portray the Casino World

Films can leave a lasting impression on viewers. This can be proven by how they glorify or portray the iGaming scene as accurate. ‘Ocean’s Eleven’ (2001) glamorised casinos, class settings, and heists. One watching this movie might think gambling is stylish.

In contrast, ‘The Gambler’ portrayed the darker qualities of compulsive gambling, showing scenes of desperation and deceit. This dual nature helps us better understand the casino world.  



Ethical Implications of Glamorising Casinos 

Glamorising high-stakes casino betting in film shows has its fair share of ethical implications. While the storytelling is excellent, they tend to normalise and even encourage impulsive behaviour towards betting. Viewers, especially impressionable ones, may become influenced by the lifestyle depicted, thus leading to a downward spiral for them.

Consequently, it’s the filmmakers’ responsibility to balance creating engaging narratives and being realistic in their movies. They could also highlight the risks and outcomes in their scripts to help mitigate the glamorisation effect.


Examples of Successful Partnerships Promoting Responsible Gambling

Recognising how cinema shapes public views, several partnerships have started to promote responsible betting. They capitalise on cinema’s reach to educate audiences on the risks of staking high.


One of the most striking examples is how the BGC (Betting and Gaming Council) has worked with the film industry to include responsible messages in films and TV programs. This initiative encourages filmmakers to include storylines and characters that reflect the importance of betting responsibly.

Another successful example is the collaboration between various online platforms and advocacy groups to promote responsible practices. Betting platforms, including Bitcoin casino, have implemented self-exclusion options and deposit limits to help players gamble safely.



The convergence of movies and high-stakes bets creates a fascinating interplay between entertainment and the real world. However, one must recognise the ethical implications of glamorising this activity. As such, filmmakers must consider the potential impact of their movies and strive to promote responsible behaviour. 

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