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Dialectical Behavior Therapy: 3 Main Points



This therapy is based on cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) but has been specially developed to treat individuals with extremely intense emotions. Individuals who struggle with negative thinking patterns can learn to change those patterns through DBT.

Three main points need to be addressed in conjunction with dialectical behavior therapy. Patients are instructed not to think too far into the future since thinking about the future can trigger the following episodes:

  • Depression
  • Destructive behaviors
  • Promote eating disorders
  • Suicidal behaviors

In Therapy Hunter, individuals will be taught positive, healthy ways to deal with stress and general emotions from daily situations, improve their relationships with loved ones, and manage their emotions. Dialectical behavioral therapy helps individuals identify, change and deal with negative and unhealthy behavior patterns and emotions, mainly in social situations.

People who suffer from destructive behavior, mental health conditions, and chronic suicidal thoughts are usually referred to dialectical behavior therapy (DBT).

Here are three strategies used in DBT

  1. Core Mindfulness

Mindfulness is one of the benefits of DBT. Focusing on the present moment or “living in the moment” allows you to pay attention to what is happening (e.g., your thoughts, feelings, sensations, and impulses).

Also, use your senses to take in what is around you (your sight, sound, smell, and touch) in a nonjudgmental manner.

You can use mindfulness skills to cope with emotional pain by slowing down and using healthy coping mechanisms. In addition to helping you relax, this strategy can prevent you from engaging in automatic negative thought patterns.

  1. Distress tolerance

An individual will learn how to accept and change within the session of distress tolerance. The following four primary techniques you will learn in this class will help you deal with any crisis:


-Reducing stress


-Considering situation’s pros and cons


-Understanding radical acceptance is a crucial part of learning acceptance.

You can embrace the fact that you will face both negative and positive situations with radical acceptance. Despite this, you will learn how to accept the outcome, no matter what the problem is, without being judgmental. Mindfulness played a major role in the development of this skill set.

  1. Emotion Regulation

Regulating your emotions allows you to deal with powerful feelings more effectively. By learning these skills, you will identify, name, and modify your emotions. Recognizing and handling intense negative emotions (for example, anger) allows you to have a more positive emotional experience.

Those who are regularly confronted by the following emotions would benefit from an emotion regulation therapy session:






Those who experience intense negative emotions regularly will benefit from learning to regulate and control their emotions. As patients learn to manage their emotions, they become less prone to experiencing any form of painful emotions caused by situations they have no control over. It will be beneficial for their health and increase their chances of prosperity.

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