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Exploring the Exciting Fusion of Movies and Gambling



Placing bets has always delighted movie audiences with its mix of risk and reward. Films about high-stakes betting are thrilling because they show the excitement of winning big as well as the danger of losing. This guide looks at famous movies and what they tell us about this exciting blend of cinema and gambling.


Iconic Casino Movies

Many iconic films in modern history have centred around the gambling industry. This has left an impression on popular culture. ‘Casino’ (1995) perfectly captured the Las Vegas casino scene in the 1970s and 80s. It explored the intricate operations of casinos during that time. 

Another high point is ‘Rounders’ (1998), which focused on poker. From the release date, this movie has attracted a rather large following and, to date, remains fans’ favourite due to its realism. While these are entertainment films, they bring out the mix of strategy, psychology, and luck that defines modern gamblers’ experience.



Exploring the Risk, Reward, and the Psychological Aspects of Gambling

Every casino movie describes the risks versus rewards of wagering. This theme resonates with audiences since it runs through the elementary human experience. Everyone can relate to the excitement of taking a risk, waiting for the result, and the joy or disappointment of winning or losing, respectively.

These film shows also describe the psychological aspects of betting. They often portray characters driven by an insatiable desire to win, even at the cost of losing everything. A closer look at these actors reveals a gambler’s fallacy: the rational calculation of odds vs. the unrealistic hope to win big.

These elements are what make these films so compelling. They reveal the emotional roller-coaster that real gamblers face daily. As viewers watch them at cinemas, they are engaged and invested in the characters’ journey through the gaming landscape.



How Films Romanticise and Accurately Portray the Casino World

Films can leave a lasting impression on viewers. This can be proven by how they glorify or portray the iGaming scene as accurate. ‘Ocean’s Eleven’ (2001) glamorised casinos, class settings, and heists. One watching this movie might think gambling is stylish.

In contrast, ‘The Gambler’ portrayed the darker qualities of compulsive gambling, showing scenes of desperation and deceit. This dual nature helps us better understand the casino world.  



Ethical Implications of Glamorising Casinos 

Glamorising high-stakes casino betting in film shows has its fair share of ethical implications. While the storytelling is excellent, they tend to normalise and even encourage impulsive behaviour towards betting. Viewers, especially impressionable ones, may become influenced by the lifestyle depicted, thus leading to a downward spiral for them.

Consequently, it’s the filmmakers’ responsibility to balance creating engaging narratives and being realistic in their movies. They could also highlight the risks and outcomes in their scripts to help mitigate the glamorisation effect.


Examples of Successful Partnerships Promoting Responsible Gambling

Recognising how cinema shapes public views, several partnerships have started to promote responsible betting. They capitalise on cinema’s reach to educate audiences on the risks of staking high.


One of the most striking examples is how the BGC (Betting and Gaming Council) has worked with the film industry to include responsible messages in films and TV programs. This initiative encourages filmmakers to include storylines and characters that reflect the importance of betting responsibly.

Another successful example is the collaboration between various online platforms and advocacy groups to promote responsible practices. Betting platforms, including Bitcoin casino, have implemented self-exclusion options and deposit limits to help players gamble safely.



The convergence of movies and high-stakes bets creates a fascinating interplay between entertainment and the real world. However, one must recognise the ethical implications of glamorising this activity. As such, filmmakers must consider the potential impact of their movies and strive to promote responsible behaviour. 

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Beauty Guru and Top Design Expert Throw it Down in the Kitchen



Cooking With GameChangers returns for Episode 6 with a fierce battle for the Ultimate GameChanger title.
In this episode, Ngozi Ezeka-Atta, a professional aesthetician, and Jacqueline Aki, an experienced interior design expert, compete for the coveted title. Rustling up a meal of boiled yam, peppered sauce and fried chicken.
The stylish women take on the role and go all out! Daniel Etim Effiong remains your ever-vivacious show host and our guest judge on this episode is award-winning singer, Waje. Resident judges Kaffy and Captain Toba are also on ground to give the final verdict on who will win this episode of Cooking with GameChangers.
Who will win this episode? Watch now!
Ngozi Ezeka-Atta is a professional aesthetician and the founder of Jaga Beauty while Jacqueline Aki is a professional interior designer and Managing Partner at James Cubitt Interiors where she oversees interior design for commercial and large-scale residential projects.
Follow a day in each of their lives as they cook up a storm in the Cooking with GameChangers kitchen.
Follow a day in the life of each of these amazing GameChangers via the links below:
Cooking with GameChangers follows a day in the life of a top corporate executive and entrepreneur who ends up in the Cooking with GameChangers kitchen for a cook-off supervised/judged by celebrity host, Daniel Etim-Effiong and judges M.I Abaga, Kaffy, and Captain Toba.
Cooking with GameChangers is a spinoff of Nigeria’s most syndicated talk show, “Binging With GameChangers” which garners over 60 million monthly viewers and airs on TV stations nationwide.
Subscribe on YouTube: @B2GNetwork
Watch the show every weekend on TV stations nationwide.
See show schedule:
NTA Network: Saturdays at 10.30 AM
Silverbird: Saturdays at 1.30 PM
Views Channel: Saturdays 6:30 PM; Repeat: Mondays at 9:30 PM; Wednesdays at 9 PM
Africa Magic Family: Sundays at 3.30 PM: Repeat: Wednesdays at 1.30 PM
TVC: Sundays at 5.30 PM NTA2: Sundays at 5.30PM
Wazobia Max: Sundays at 5.30 PM; Repeat Mondays at 7 PM
Wazobia TV: Sundays at 5.30 PM; Repeat: Mondays at 7 PM
LinkedIn: @CookingwithGameChangers
 Cooking with GameChangers is proudly supported by Power Oil, 2Sure and Aquafina.
 Media Partners: BellaNaija, and Ameyaw Debrah.
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How to Assess and Mitigate the Environmental Impact of Using Drones in Agriculture



How to Assess and Mitigate the Environmental Impact of Using Drones in Agriculture

Drones have revolutionized farming practices, offering precision and efficiency in input application, monitoring, and data collection. By using advanced technologies, drones enable farmers to optimize crop management, reduce waste, and enhance yields. However, the increasing adoption of drones in agriculture also raises important environmental concerns. 

As the use of drones grows, it is essential to address their potential environmental impacts, such as energy consumption, noise pollution, and e-waste generation. By understanding and mitigating these effects, farmers can harness the benefits of drone technology while promoting sustainable agriculture and minimizing harm to the environment.

What is The Environmental Impact of Using Drones in Agriculture?

The use of drones in agriculture has both benefits and drawbacks. While enhancing efficiency and precision, they contribute to greenhouse gas emissions and energy consumption, disturb wildlife, and risk chemical spillage and drift when spraying pesticides and fertilizers. Despite a smaller carbon footprint than traditional machinery, their cumulative impact can be significant, harming the environment and posing health risks to humans and animals. 


A 2023 study by the National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) within the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) found that farms integrating drone technology with sustainable practices like optimized flight routes and electric drones reported a 25% reduction in their overall environmental impression compared to traditional methods.

As drone usage grows, it’s important to address these concerns through sustainable practices, such as using electric drones, minimizing flights, and integrating environmental monitoring, to ensure that the benefits of drone technology are realized without compromising environmental sustainability.

What Are the Environmental Consequences of Using Drones?

The increasing use of drones in various industries, including agriculture, construction, and package delivery, has raised concerns about their potential environmental impact. While drones offer many benefits, such as increased efficiency and reduced costs, their use also has environmental consequences that cannot be ignored.


Conducting Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA)

An Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) evaluates the potential environmental effects of drone usage in agriculture, identifying and quantifying impacts, and developing mitigation strategies. The process includes a baseline study, impact prediction, mitigation measures, and monitoring and reporting, ensuring sustainable drone operations and minimizing environmental harm.

Monitoring Emissions and Energy Use

Regularly monitor and record the emissions and energy consumption of drones. This data can be used to compare the environmental impact of drone use against traditional methods and to identify areas for improvement.


Wildlife Monitoring

Use drones equipped with cameras and sensors to monitor wildlife in areas where drones are deployed. This can help identify any disturbances and adapt drone usage to minimize impact.

 How to Mitigate the Environmental Impact of Drones in Agriculture?

The increasing use of drones in agriculture raises concerns about their environmental impact. To minimize harm and maximize sustainability, farmers and drone operators can take several steps:


Selecting Eco-Friendly Drones

Choosing drones designed with environmental considerations in mind can significantly reduce their impact. For instance, the DJI Agras T50 is designed to optimize efficiency while minimizing environmental damage, making it a suitable choice for eco-conscious farmers.

Sustainable Energy Sources

Power drones with renewable energy sources, such as solar-powered charging stations, to reduce reliance on fossil fuels and decrease greenhouse gas emissions.


Precision Application Techniques

Use advanced technologies like variable rate application (VRA) to ensure precise application of inputs. This reduces the quantity of chemicals used and minimizes the risk of spillage and drift.

Implementing Buffer Zones

Establish buffer zones around sensitive areas, such as water bodies and wildlife habitats, to prevent contamination and disturbance from drone operations.


Noise Reduction Strategies

Equip drones with noise-reduction technologies and operate them at times that are least likely to disturb wildlife, such as during midday when many animals are less active.

How Can Drones Be Used Sustainably in Agriculture?

The use of drones in agriculture has the potential to revolutionize the industry, but it’s important to consider the environmental impact of this technology. Sustainable drone use in agriculture is important to minimize harm and maximize benefits. Here are some ways drones can be used sustainably:


Training and Education

Educate farmers and drone operators on the environmental impacts of drones and train them in best practices to mitigate these effects. This includes proper handling of chemicals, understanding flight paths to avoid sensitive areas, and maintaining equipment to prevent leaks and malfunctions.


Integrated Pest Management (IPM)

Combine drone technology with Integrated Pest Management (IPM) strategies to reduce the reliance on chemical pesticides. Drones can be used for monitoring pest populations and applying biological control agents.


Regular Maintenance and Upgrades

Ensure drones are regularly maintained and upgraded to the latest models that offer improved efficiency and reduced environmental impact. This can include software updates for better flight planning and hardware upgrades for lower emissions.

Future Trends and Innovations in Sustainable Drone Use

Future trends and innovations in sustainable drone use include integrating AI and machine learning to enhance precision and efficiency, analyzing data to optimize input applications, and reducing waste. Autonomous drones capable of real-time decision-making can minimize human error and environmental impact, adapting flight paths and application rates based on real-time data. 


Collaborative efforts between technology developers, farmers, and environmental organizations will drive the development of more sustainable drone technologies, ensuring a positive impact on both agricultural productivity and environmental sustainability.


How do drones contribute to sustainable agriculture?

Drones contribute to sustainable agriculture by enabling precision input application, reducing the use of chemicals, and improving resource management. They also facilitate better monitoring and data collection, which helps in making informed decisions.


What are the environmental concerns associated with using drones in agriculture?

Environmental concerns include emissions and energy consumption, wildlife disturbance, and the risk of chemical spillage and drift. It is important to assess and mitigate these impacts to ensure sustainable drone use.


Involving drones in agriculture offers excellent potential for improving efficiency and productivity. However, it is essential to assess and reduce their environmental impact to ensure sustainable farming practices. By conducting thorough environmental assessments, selecting eco-friendly drones, and implementing best practices for sustainable use, farmers can harness the benefits of drone technology while protecting the environment. Continuous innovation and collaboration will be key to achieving a balance between technological advancement and environmental management.

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Johnnie Walker Ghana celebrates Ghanaian global bartender champion Survaiva Benjamin Donkor



Johnnie Walker Ghana celebrates Survaiva Benjamin Donkor,a Ghanaian Senior  bartender at Tribeca Restaurant on his success in the Black Label Global Bartender Challenge for the Africa Region. (more…)

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Revolutionizing Warehouse Efficiency: RackBuy Leads the Charge in Sustainable Racking Solutions



Revolutionizing Warehouse Efficiency: RackBuy Leads the Charge in Sustainable Racking Solutions

In the dynamic landscape of modern commerce, the efficiency of warehouse operations is paramount. Balancing productivity with environmental responsibility presents a formidable challenge. However, pioneering companies like RackBuy are proving that sustainability and efficiency can go hand in hand, spearheading a movement towards greener, more efficient racking practices.

At the core of RackBuy’s mission is the recognition that traditional racking systems often fall short in terms of both performance and sustainability. Conventional racking solutions may prioritize short-term cost savings over long-term environmental impact, leading to inefficiencies and unnecessary resource consumption. Recognizing this gap in the market, RackBuy has emerged as a trailblazer in the development of sustainable racking solutions that deliver tangible benefits for businesses and the planet alike, creating a positive impact on both fronts.

Central to RackBuy’s approach is the concept of “sell your racking“, a philosophy that emphasizes the importance of optimizing existing resources rather than simply discarding and replacing them. By encouraging businesses to evaluate and repurpose their current racking systems, RackBuy helps minimize waste and maximize efficiency. This not only reduces the environmental footprint of warehouse operations but also offers significant cost savings for businesses.

RackBuy’s commitment to sustainability extends beyond mere rhetoric. The company has invested heavily in research and development to engineer racking solutions that are both highly efficient and environmentally friendly. Utilizing innovative materials and cutting-edge design principles, RackBuy has created a range of energy-efficient products that not only outperform traditional racking systems but also minimize energy consumption and waste generation.


One example of RackBuy’s groundbreaking innovation is its line of modular racking systems. These systems are designed to be easily reconfigured and expanded, allowing businesses to adapt to changing storage needs without the need for costly renovations or replacements. By maximizing flexibility and scalability, RackBuy empowers businesses to optimize their warehouse space while minimizing environmental impact.

In addition to its focus on product innovation, RackBuy is also committed to promoting sustainable practices throughout the supply chain. From sourcing materials from environmentally responsible suppliers to implementing energy-efficient manufacturing processes, RackBuy strives to minimize its environmental footprint while setting a positive example for the industry as a whole.

The impact of RackBuy’s sustainable racking solutions extends far beyond individual businesses. By helping companies improve their warehouse efficiency and reduce their environmental impact, RackBuy is contributing to a broader shift toward sustainability within the logistics industry. As more businesses recognize the benefits of sustainable practices, the demand for eco-friendly racking solutions is only expected to grow.

RackBuy is leading the charge towards a more sustainable future for warehouse operations. Through their innovative products and commitment to environmental responsibility, they are reshaping the way businesses approach racking solutions. By embracing the “sell your racking” philosophy and investing in sustainable practices, businesses can enhance both their bottom line and their environmental impact. With RackBuy paving the way, the future of warehouse efficiency looks brighter than ever before.


Unlock the potential of your unused racking with! Transform idle warehouse space into profit by selling your surplus racking systems effortlessly. Whether you’re upgrading, downsizing, or simply optimizing your storage solutions, RackBuy offers a seamless platform to connect sellers with eager buyers, ensuring a hassle-free and lucrative transaction. Maximize your return on investment and declutter your space today with

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IoT in Healthcare: Enhancing Patient Care with M2M SIM Solutions



The integration of Internet of Things (IoT) technologies in healthcare is revolutionizing patient care, enabling remote monitoring, improving treatment outcomes, and enhancing operational efficiency across medical facilities. At the heart of this transformation are Machine-to-Machine (M2M) SIM solutions, which facilitate seamless connectivity and data exchange between medical devices and healthcare systems.

Transforming Patient Monitoring with M2M SIM Solutions

M2M SIM solutions, championed by industry leaders like Card Centric Limited, play a critical role in enhancing patient monitoring capabilities in healthcare settings. These solutions enable continuous remote monitoring of vital signs, medication adherence, and disease progression, thereby facilitating proactive healthcare interventions and personalized treatment plans.

Benefits of M2M SIM in Healthcare

Card Centric Limited, renowned for its expertise in M2M SIM technologies, enhances healthcare delivery through:

  1. Remote Patient Monitoring: M2M SIM-enabled devices transmit real-time health data securely to healthcare providers, allowing for timely interventions and reducing hospital readmissions.
  2. Medical Equipment Connectivity: Integration of M2M SIM solutions in medical equipment ensures seamless communication and data synchronization, optimizing operational workflows and patient safety.
  3. Telemedicine Advancements: M2M SIM technology supports telemedicine initiatives by enabling virtual consultations, remote diagnostics, and patient follow-ups, particularly beneficial in rural or underserved areas.

Case Studies and Applications

In practical applications, M2M SIM solutions have demonstrated significant impact:

  • Chronic Disease Management: Patients with chronic conditions such as diabetes or hypertension benefit from continuous monitoring enabled by M2M SIM devices, promoting early detection of health complications and proactive management.
  • Emergency Response Systems: Ambulance services equipped with M2M SIM solutions transmit critical patient data to hospitals in real-time, enabling healthcare teams to prepare appropriate medical interventions before arrival.
  • Hospital Asset Tracking: M2M SIM-enabled asset tracking systems improve inventory management of medical supplies, reduce operational costs, and ensure timely availability of essential equipment.

Security and Compliance

Card Centric Limited prioritizes data security and regulatory compliance in healthcare applications of M2M SIM technology. Rigorous encryption protocols and adherence to healthcare regulations safeguard patient confidentiality and protect sensitive medical information from unauthorized access or breaches.

Future Trends and Innovations

Looking ahead, advancements in M2M SIM technology promise to further enhance healthcare delivery:

  • AI and Predictive Analytics: Integration of artificial intelligence and predictive analytics into M2M SIM platforms enables early disease detection, personalized treatment recommendations, and healthcare resource optimization.
  • 5G Connectivity: The rollout of 5G networks enhances M2M SIM capabilities with higher bandwidth, low latency, and improved reliability, supporting real-time data transmission for critical healthcare applications.

M2M SIM solutions are instrumental in leveraging IoT for transformative healthcare practices, improving patient outcomes, and operational efficiencies. Card Centric Limited’s leadership in developing secure and scalable M2M SIM technologies underscores its commitment to advancing healthcare delivery through innovative connectivity solutions. As healthcare continues to embrace digital transformation, M2M SIM technology will undoubtedly play a pivotal role in shaping the future of patient-centered care.

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People & Lifestyle




MTN Ghana has announced the start of a major network upgrade across the country to improve customer experience and reduce carbon emissions. The upgrade will involve replacing existing mobile network infrastructure with more efficient and environmentally friendly equipment. The project will be completed in August 2024. 

The Chief Technical Officer (CTO) of MTN Ghana, Thomas Motlepa, emphasized the importance of having a state-of-the-art network to support the business’s evolution into a platform player. He stated that this upgrade will result in a more reliable and robust service for customers. 

“The plan also involves replacing older equipment with modern, lighter and more energy-efficient ones, which will result in a clean-up of our towers”, the CTO said.

Mr Motlepa said, “Although this modernization project is not expected to negatively impact network performance, customers may experience intermittent disruption in some services as with any technology upgrade. We would kindly request that our cherished customers bear with us as we undertake this important exercise”.  


Customers who experience any disruption to any service can call 100 or reach out via any of MTN’s social media handles. 

MTN is on track to invest $1 billion in its network by 2025 as promised. The company continues to expand its coverage, improve customer data experience and promote sustainable practices.

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